I’m a follower

All the cool kids in the blogosphere are doing the 30 Day Shred. So I had to get the DVD and do it too.

And yes, before you ask mom, if they were all jumping off of bridges I’d do that too. Presumably they’d have to live through it to post about it so it must be safe.

I do Body Pump 2x a week and cardio one day a week on average. I’ve been doing that for 4 years. I’m not starting from scratch.

I’m also lazy sensible, so I did level 1 like a good girl. I thought about level 2 but personally I’d rather have an easy time & know I can do the next higher level next time than get my ass kicked & be unable to finish level 2 at the start.

I chose wisely.

It was a tough workout. Like someone had squeezed Body Step & Body Pump into one 20 minute routine. I was dripping sweat when I am done & that doesn’t happen much at Pump, even upping my weights, I am not dripping for 55 minutes. Just enough cardio. Too much cardio set off an asthma attack.  Perhaps a few more pointers on form would have been good. And sorry, but I need water every 5 minutes when I sweat like that. 

I felt it in my upper body last night. Today it is in my calf muscles. That is going to make lunges in Pump even harder than normal this morning, but I’ll survive. Lunges regularly take me out.

My plan is to do Shred on non-Pump days. I’ve been doing Wii fit some of those days, but mostly for yoga & cardio so I don’t think I am getting much weight loss (though my posture & balance are much improved)

I had a munchy winter. My summer pants barely fit, so I need to drop a few pounds & kick my workout up a notch.

We’ll see how it goes.


  1. I've made a decision to do this as well - but honestly, it's scares me. I've heard so many people scream OW across blogland after they've tried it.

  2. Good for you!!! Sounds like a great workout.

  3. eeek!!! Good for you, but wow! I wish I had the disciple to do it! Can't wait to hear how it goes for you after this!

  4. You'll have to let us know how it continues to go ! It does sound a bit scary!

  5. You're so good at following a routine. I switch up my workouts so much that I'm probably not doing a whole lot of good. I do like the 30 day shred though...it makes me feel like I've done something.

  6. LOL - I just started doing this too! I think Jillian better thank her lucky stars for Mom bloggers! ;) Sounds like you are in better shape to start with than me, though... I have been doing Level 1 for a little while, but I'm afraid to try level 2!

  7. Uh Oh! Looks like I'm not cool 'cause all I was doin' this week was National Doughnut Day; and it was A-MAZING! Good luck:)

  8. I'm needing to do this Shred thingy. Stat. Let me know how it goes.

  9. Good luck with the Shred...I just need to get to do some kind of exercising...


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