Blog Hop Intro

I signed up for the MckLinky monthly blog hop and then being my usual forgetful self, failed to put up a post about it.

The theme this month is introductions. My failure to post about it probably says more than I can in words.

My name is Stacey. I am a nearly 42 year old, married, SAHM of 2 boys, Havoc age 6 and Mayhem age 5. I used to be a data analyst and am still a data geek.  I do various work from home gigs now. I read a great deal, mostly historic mysteries. I like to crochet and digi scrap. I take tons of photos for my 365 project.

Dinosaurs & Star Wars fill my days. 

I look forward to meeting some new people & visiting your great blogs.  If you add your link here, it will appear on all participating blogs at the same time.

MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. Welcome to the blog hop craziness!!! I still giggle when I see the title of your last post - I Glued My Pants To My Leg :)

  2. Hopping over to say hello, have a great day!

  3. Nice to meet you... hope you enjoy the holiday weekend. I am surrounded (not always by choice) by Star Wars and such... my boys and husband are hard core fans. Me and baby girl just play along!

  4. Hoppin in to say hi, hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  5. As a fellow Mom Bloggers Club member, I'm following via the Follow Me Club list. =)

    Maricel --- Momhood Moments

    I'm currently building my blogroll too. Care for a link exchange?

  6. Blog Hoppin today! Nice to meet you! I am a homeschool/SAHM to 3 -- Living in Louisiana! Hope you come by to visit.

  7. Stopping by from the blog hop to say hello. Hope you had a great weekend.

  8. Hopping by to say Hi. This blog hop is kind of always...I love your pictures...definitely one of my fave blogs to visit. You are always so inspirational.


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