Weekly Winners - week 28

I’m getting caught up from last weekend

We had a pool party for July 4th

These guys joined in


This one was pushing everyone


Fortunately there were plenty of floaties


Dino paddling


We had fireworks,and I am just no good at shooting them or processing them


  fireworks-14 fireworks-2

There were macro moments as well


For more Weekly Winners please visit Lotus at Sarcastic Mom


  1. Fun dinosaur series in the pool! They look like they are having way too much fun. ;)

    p.s. To photograph fireworks you have to have a tripod and a black card to use as a "shutter" while taking the pictures. Set yr shutter speed to "bulb" and it will stay open the whole time you keep your finger on the release button, then hold the black card over yr lens and "open it up" by moving the card out of the way to capture the firework display. Put it back over the lens (usually about 1.5-3 seconds per exposure), opening it up for as many fireworks explosions as you want in the picture, then release the shutter and see all the fireworks in one frame. I just learned how to do it and LOVE the results. Check back a couple posts on my blog to see one of the pics. :)

  2. The dino pool crashers are hilarious! I like the way your fireworks turned out. But, thanks to Amy for the photography tip.

  3. GReat bright colors in the dino photo's. I think you may have had as much fun with that as they did...maybe even more!

  4. Oooh - watch out, that looks like a dangerous pool! ;)

  5. holy smokes - the color in your photos is absolutely gorgeous!

  6. Hehehe, I think you should write a children's book of the dinos adventures - you already have all the illustrations.

  7. LOL at the Dinos! Sooo fun! Sounds like you had a good weekend too!


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