Latest crochet projects

I mentioned last week that I was crocheting some apples. Here they are


I think they turned out rather nice if I do say so myself.

But being the sort who can’t leave well enough alone and who loves to anthropomorphize things (I think that is the word) plus being in possession of more googly eyes than any one person should be allowed to own, I did this


They look kinda creepy sitting there on your desk, staring out at you.

Stalker apples.

So I added a mouth


Happy  apples.

(someone explain to me how the white balance changes when you take a photo of the exact same thing, in the exact same spot, the exact same distance away a mere 5 minutes later)

A long time ago I had a store on etsy that sold my little crochet things. Then I got bored with crocheting little things & stopped selling. I’m in the mood again to sell and now is the perfect time of year. You can do fall fruits & veggies, like the apples, Halloween things and Christmas things. Plus my favorite year round item


Fingertip warmers!

Or this guy.


Defend your space with the Angry Traffic Cone! 


  1. OK - those are adorable! I'm loving the angry traffic cone one.

  2. I just downloaded an apple pattern the other day. Never thought of putting faces on them...great idea.

    My Husband is in Road Construction I might have to make a few of those cones, lol.

    Stopping by from TwitterMoms to say Hi.

  3. Those are all simply awesome! I LOVE the apples!


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