Blight on the landscape

Now 50% blightier!

We’ve gone from this pole


to this mini tower


You may be wondering why we would chose to upgrade our eyesore. Well, you remember this bend from February?


And this even bendier from June?


Quite predictably unexpectedly this happened a few weeks ago


No amount of guide wire tightening is going to fix that.

Sadly my internet signal is not a matching 50% speedier, but it has improved. WooHoo! What’s a little blight if it gets you faster load times?

Here are some photos for scale.  This is my neighbor across the street (and down the hill and back up the hill on the driveway from hell) I’m standing on the road taking this.


Their house is for sale. It went on the market last week. $600,000! with 20 acres and a 4 bedroom cabin boasting INCREDIBLE MOUNTAIN VIEWS (just like that in all caps on the website).  Here is an incredible mountain view photo taken from the deck of the house


The little white building is our two story barn/shed . I find it interesting there are no photos of the driveway online but they included the one with the blight. If they took about 2 steps to the left that tree would hide the tower, but you’d probably be able to see just how steep that driveway actually is.

We can go 25 feet higher before we need a permit from the county, though I’ve been informed we’re pretty much stuck at this height because of clearance needed for the power lines running perpendicular through the middle of our property. 

Unless we find a way to mount it on the barn.


  1. Now that looks sturdy. YAY for your eye sore. You will be loving it when the winds come and you still have internet connection.


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