I can’t find my pants

That does not mean I am sitting here naked from the waist down.  I can find my shorts and those couple of pairs of capris I have been wearing all summer.

What I cannot find are my pants pants. The ones with the hems that reach the ground. I know I have a half a dozen pairs of jeans. I can find one. I know I have at least 4 pairs of regular pants, I can’t find any.

I put them all away in June, along with the long sleeved and 3/4 sleeved stuff I hadn’t packed up already. To the best of my knowledge everything went into the storage bags the summer clothes came out of & the storage bags went under the bed or up on the closet shelf. 

But the pants are not there.

The shirts are, along with the”‘if I don’t like/need this enough to get it out of the storage bag over the summer I am taking it to Goodwill” clothing. But there are no pants to be found.

I looked in all the likely other places, but while likely, they were not places I actually put pants.

It isn’t quite cool enough to need to wear long pants regularly so I have some time to search the rest of the house but I want to know if I have lost enough weight to make any pants difference.  I lost 6lbs this summer (and those were a hard fought 6 because I discovered EVIL DIP in late June) but honestly I have no idea what I weighed in March. I could have gained & lost those 6lbs a couple times over. I could have easily put on 12lb of evil dip this summer and despite losing 6lbs still have gained weight.  I can only actually tell if I try on my pants.

If you were a pile of pants in a house with no separate storage space apart from under beds and the top shelves of closets and you were not under the bed or in the closet, where would you be?


  1. I have a couple of sweaters that hide like this every year. They - and i suspect that your pants also do this - have the magical ability to remain invisible while you are actively looking for them, then suddenly turn up somewhere you already looked.

    I never understand how they can do that.

  2. At my house, they show up after you buy replacements.

  3. Pants are sneaky like that. I suspect that they have been watching and learning from socks, and we all know that socks love to play hide and seek.

  4. What is it with clothes that run away from home?

    I've been known to leave clothes everywhere with the intention of setting them down for just a minute, which turns into a month in a blink of an eye.

  5. Popping in from MBC!
    Now following you...

    I can't stand when I misplace an article of clothing!

  6. Mine are usually buried under the capris and the light sweaters - the ones I've worn all summer. Buried and wrinkled.

  7. The freezer? I always find the strangest things there.


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