My latest reading list

I have a rather large stack of books on my nightstand, the photo of which I can’t find right now and the camera battery is currently charging, so let me just say it is currently 12 books tall and doesn’t include the 3 I read over the weekend.

The book that gets the most attention though is Mayhem’s newest favorite book


He was smitten the moment he laid eyes on it. “Are you gonna make vees fings for me Mama? All of dem?” Then he went through the book and told me what he wanted made first, then second, then third, while Havoc shouted from behind me “I want the Ninja! Will you make me the ninja?” over and over.

I love the little guys in this book! they are so fun to make. Naturally I went with the Monty Python jokes first

Honey it’s a little man from the village


He’s come about the reaping!


None shall pass!


Come back you cowards! I’ll bite your kneecaps off!


How do you know she’s a witch


She looks like one!

(the last one is my design but fits with the Python theme)

I finished the ninja today, but as I mentioned, the camera battery is charging so I have no photo yet.

The boys love them. They bounce them all around fighting one another. I need to find a more secure way to attach the weapons, they are just glued on and are no match for young boys battling. Mayhem is waiting not so patiently for me to make the Trojan, the Cleric and the Amazon. All the ones with weapons naturally.

I finally opened my etsy shop - Charmed Crochet. There are only 6 items so far in it, due to the aforementioned battery issues (I think the charger power cord is shot). I’ll be adding the grim reaper and the knight to the shop as soon as I get duplicates made. Please check it out if you have a moment.


  1. I know a couple of people that would love that book. The angry traffic cone in your etsy shop is hilarious.

  2. Cute! I tried to teach myself to crochet but it didn't turn out too well.

  3. I have that book! I attempted to make the zombie office worker guy for my dad but I got bamboozled by attaching the hair.
    I made the bride & groom too, they turned out pretty good.
    If I still had any time to crochet, I might be envious of how much better at it you are. Good thing I have no time to do it myself so I can just admire what you make!

  4. Congrats on your Etsy shop! I visited - those mushrooms are absolutely adorable!

  5. I adore that reaper one! That doesn't sound quite right, does it?


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