Costume question

Tomorrow is trick or treating. Today is the school Halloween party & the kids get to go to school in costume. Well, Havoc gets to dress in costume, as long as his face isn’t covered, he isn’t wearing a hat ,or carrying any weapons real or fake. Mayhem has to wear pajamas. “So everyone can participate in the fun.”

I don’t get that sentence.  Havoc had to do the same thing last year. But not this year. And last year Mayhem, in pre-k, got to wear a costume. So obviously it’s just kindergarteners who might not be able to go to a party if people were to dress up in costume. If it were issues with someone in Havoc’s class then I would think the restriction would still be enforced.  I understand some people don’t do Halloween for religious reasons.  What I am not understanding is why this ban is specific to kindergarten? The Devil is only after 5 year olds? I assume there is a kindergarten teacher who doesn’t celebrate Halloween, because I can’t think of anything else.

Havoc’s costume restrictions meant we had to find something for him to wear because his trick or treat costume is a Clone Trooper, which has a mask & a blaster & without those he’s just wearing a white pantsuit with beige trim.

So, falling back on a lifetime of experience creating costumes out of what I could find in the house, Havoc went as a ninja. Black pants, black shirt, black scarf on his head (which may or may not be considered a hat) and a black bandana around his neck that he *could* pull over his face but absolutely he promises won’t, because it’s against the rules.

Last year they went as bandits, wearing DH’s thermal tee shirts, my canvas belts, water pistols and a bandana around their face.  The year before that they were pirates which is the exact same costume only the bandana is on the head.

Because I’m all creative like that.

I remember one year wearing  a princess costume with plastic unbreathable mask. The costume itself was a plastic bag with a dress printed on it & you wore the bag over your clothes. It was 1971 in West Virginia.  Every other costume I remember was put together with random stuff around the house. My mom couldn’t sew so one year I ended up with an apron and a wooden spoon and went as Julia Child.

What were your favorite costumes as a kid? Not necessarily for Halloween, but if you played dress up or went to theme parties during the year.

BTW, Mayhem? He’s wearing his spider man pajamas.


  1. Hi Stacey....

    We didn't go in for dressing up much as kids but I always wanted to be a bride and used to wear an old net curtain as a veil! LOL

  2. oooh not for halloween, but on holidays, of the caravan variety, we always used to dress up, there is one pic of my dad in stockings and suspender (along with a couple of the pther fellas!) and me as little bo peep, a clown etc. Oddly though, there are usually pics of my brother in the generic outfits a year or two before me! Cant beat recycling!

  3. My mom dressed me up as a bag of jelly beans one year and as a jack-in-the-box another. They were pretty kick ass costumes. She made 'em.

    OH! I was a pirate one year too!

  4. Oh, man, remember those plastic bag costumes?? Those were so awful! I think my favorite costume was Princess Leia.

  5. Double, double toil and trouble;
    fire burn and cauldron bubble.
    ~ Shakespeare "Macbeth"~


  6. My favorite costume ever was a queen costume that was in reality an excuse to borrow the clothes my mom usually wouldn't let me wear: her best red dress and her black velvet "high heels" (they were probably 1-inch heels). AND wear make-up, usually not allowed.

    I love that silly "So everyone can participate in the fun." It's like there was a staff meeting and someone said, "We need to have a REASON, and it has to be a reason NO ONE CAN ARGUE WITH. No no---it doesn't need to make sense in the context. It just needs to SOUND GOOD."

    I agree with your theory: it sounds like it's a particular TEACHER who objects to Halloween.

  7. I was going to say it was classroom/teacher specific and not age or class (the pajama rule).

    As for costumes, I did the plastic jumpsuit with plastic mask thing one year (early 80s - Batman), and had some home-sewn (by a neighbour or an aunt) ones (clown, pumpkin) but the one everyone remembers is PeeWee Herman.

  8. I was going to say it was classroom/teacher specific and not age or class (the pajama rule).

    As for costumes, I did the plastic jumpsuit with plastic mask thing one year (early 80s - Batman), and had some home-sewn (by a neighbour or an aunt) ones (clown, pumpkin) but the one everyone remembers is PeeWee Herman.


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