Love you,honey

Today is DH & I’s anniversary.

We were married at Oglebay Resort in Wheeling, WV in 1993.

This is the part where I want to say all those lovey sentimental things about what a wonderful man I married.

But I lean more toward sarcasm & humor and don’t do lovey sentiment very well even though I feel it. It’s just not how I express myself and after 16 years married & 20 years together he understands that.

It has been a wonderful 16 years. Things are very different now than we imagined them at the time but I wouldn’t change one of them.

DH proposed to me under stress. We’d planned not to get married, just live together. He was finishing up school, looking for work and some TV show or other that he’d watched for years had the series finally that night. All these endings & changes he couldn’t control so I think he grabbed for something he could.

He woke me up out of a sound sleep at 1 in the morning (and really you had better be dying or the house burning down if you do that) and asked me to marry him.

I told him to ask me again in the morning if he was serious.

cuz I’m all romantic like that.

In the morning he did ask me again and I said yes this time.

Thank you for asking me again honey.


  1. Happy Anniversary! My hubby & I celebrated 15 years together on Tuesday.

  2. Happy Anniversary to you both and Well Done!

  3. Congratulations on your anniversary. That's a pretty cute story.

    (Also? Just to make you feel all old and shit? I was 19 and in the middle of my first term of university in 1993.)

  4. Happy Anniversary! That's a funny story! :)

  5. Happy Anniversary!

    That is a lovely story about the proposal - even if you are a bit cynical about the reasons DH proposed, it's quite romantic! You are lucky he asked you again in the morning - I guess he was serious then (16 years later!)

  6. Congratulations on your anniversary! And that was a lovely story, thanks for sharing x

  7. We are really very much alike - I'm not all lovey-dovey either. Either is my husband.

    Happy anniversary to you guys!

  8. Happy Anniversary. That is certainly a memorable proposal or two :)

  9. Happy Anniversary. That is certainly a memorable proposal or two :)


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