The holiday album dilemma

There is just too much choice out there and I need to decide now, if not very very soon just what sort of holiday album I am going to do this year.

I’ve done shimelle’s Journal Your Christmas for the past 2 years and even though I didn’t complete last year’s album I did get plenty of pages done. But the not completing it bugged me. I think I need to scale back my expectations this year. And possibly my design style. I’m thinking very clean, almost graphic only style with either white or black backgrounds. I’d like to do just graphic only but I know I’ll end up wanting to use a bunch of embellishments on some layouts and that would be jarring in appearance I think sitting amid a bunch of smooth, unshadowed graphic designs.

But I really want more of a photo book look than a scrapbook look I think.

Then there is the thought that occurred to me that ‘the holidays’ actually started last Friday with the Halloween party at school. Possibly they could start on Thanksgiving, which would give me a bit more time to get my plans sorted. Though since I take a photo a day anyway doing a ‘2009 Holiday Season’ photo book can pretty much start whenever I feel like it. I never take just one photo so I can even make sure there is no photo overlap between it and my 365 project.

I could even get Havoc & Mayhem to take the photos for it. Now there is an idea! Start the day we leave to visit my parents in a couple weeks and run through the end of their xmas break & use their photos! Havoc loves to use my D40, Mayhem prefers seeing things on the screen on the old Olympus, so there would be no fighting over the camera. This could work!

But still, if I want to do scrapbook pages (which I just know I will end up making in December) I need to get my act together pretty much this weekend or so and pick my templates, design style & a start date

I’m thinking of getting these templates

and adapting them as I go, but they want more photos than I usually manage.

I like these as well

and I have some by Janet Phillips, that are no longer available that I’m sorting through. Then I have to work out what kits to use. My favorite designers haven’t put any out yet.

You know, I never do a holiday newsletter. They are too complicated & time consuming.


  1. I love these templates from Kate Pertiet. I'm so torn on what I want to do. Maybe digi and add some elements for that homenade goodness! Good luck!

  2. No ideas for you because even though digital scrapbooking is in my head as something I should try, I have not. However, your post has given me the idea of just taking lots of holiday pics all season (actually just from the day after Tday through New Year's and getting one of those shutterfly scrapbooks made up - easy peasy for me and a keepsake for the family. Yes, yours will be tons more awesome, but this is the best I can manage at the moment.

  3. i was thinking about bllck and white for my Christmas Journal this year, as I didn't finish mine last year, so my strategy is super simple and small (probably 6x6).

  4. Those templates are very tempting, I may have to change my mind again for this years journal.

  5. Stacey - I'll give you a little tip. Simple Scrapper will have a Capture the Season workbook available in a few weeks. It will take you through 6 super-manageable, stress-free weekly prompts to document the holidays in photos and words. We'll be encouraging participants not to scrap until January, when the story has come together. We'll have free templates every week for this too!

  6. It really is a difficult decision.......I did scrapbook -big and bulky- last year....and am also thinking clean and small this year.

  7. Love those Christmas templates. I am not a digi scrapper but could be tempted by those.

  8. I am not even gettin stressed, ive cut up loads of bits of card and chipboard, and just gonna pick a new one each day. picture slapped on journalling scribbled. wham bam thank you mam and the page is theory!

  9. Love Janet Philips templates. I saw that she has put some new ones out at her daily digi site recently.
    I'm really into Liz' templates at paislee press lately too. I used a lot of them for my recent anniversary trip album but they only include a few pictures per layout.

  10. Love Janet Philips templates. I saw that she has put some new ones out at her daily digi site recently.
    I'm really into Liz' templates at paislee press lately too. I used a lot of them for my recent anniversary trip album but they only include a few pictures per layout.


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