Happy Solstice!

Today we celebrate the Light’s return.

I’d had plans to get up & take a photo of the sunrise this morning. But those plans were made before we had 20 inches of snow dropped on us.  Due to topography issues, in order to get a decent sunrise photo that did not include telephone poles, electric wires, cedar trees blocking the horizon, guide wires or my internet providing blight on the landscape, I would have to be standing in the middle of the area in this photo here, facing east, which is to the right.

dec 19 snow-35

And I don’t own boots that cover my legs above my knees so that wasn’t happening this morning.

A photo from the 18th will have to do. I wasn’t sure what prompted me to take a sunrise photo that morning while waiting for the kids’ bus but apparently the Divine was giving me some help.


We will be doing our Welcome Sun ritual tonight, which involves turning off every light in the house and eating supper by candlelight while talking about what life was like before electricity, when the length of sunlight directed how your day was spent & how people waited for this longest night to come, about the idea of the sun fading & dying and then being reborn, of days finally starting to grow longer & the hope of spring to come. There is a short prayer of thanksgiving for the rebirth of the sun after dinner and then the boys get to run through the house turning on every light and shouting Welcome Sun!

Merry Yule everyone!


  1. Gorgeous pictures. I had forgotten it was the solstice today and isn't actually winter until today. The snow has been telling us otherwise I think.

    Time to rejoice the lighter nights.

  2. oooo, look at all that snow! I kind of miss having a white Christmas here in Arizona, but don't miss that cold!

  3. love that you welcome the sun. Our soltice ritual at dinner is to discard something we want to leave behind from the year and say thank you for something we have appreciated

  4. I can just imagine that the boys LOVE running through the house and turning on all the lights. Enjoy your celebration!

  5. Wow, that's a lot of snow! And some lovely pics :-)

  6. I'm not sure what I'm mesmerized more by ... that gorgeous sunrise photo or the sheer amount of snow you got!

    I love your tradition to welcome the sun.

  7. Wow. Fantastic photographs. I'm envious of your skills.

  8. Did not know this. Great photos!

  9. What awesome pictures. I'm not kidding when I say that they gave me chills.

  10. What awesome pictures. I'm not kidding when I say that they gave me chills.


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