Made in China

Somehow, through a convoluted chain of topics including McDonald’s Happy Meals, the 1950’s, astronomy, Douglas Adams and paleontology, the boys & I ended up discussing where babies come from while driving home from tae kwon do.

I know. How could I not see this coming?

Havoc knows he was born by c-section “Because I was sitting up” but is not entirely sure what that means except that the doctor had to help & it is not usually how babies are born. He knows there is a cord attached to them, but seems to think that women have a bunch of cords in the uterus and a baby just attaches itself to whichever is closest when it decides it wants to be born. Sort of like a bungee cord I suppose.

Mayhem has little idea about any of it, though he knows he was born differently than his brother was. (He was a VBAC) According to him babies grow in the mom’s belly & then are born, the end. He seems to think that all the babies a woman is going have just sort of hang out in a woman’s belly & get big & are born when they want to. “Havoc is older because he decided to be born first” he says. But he wanted more details about how this birth thing works this time.

The word of the day is VA.GI.NA.

Babies grow in the uterus and then come out through the

Except I am speaking to a boy in the third row of a mini van, while the radio is playing and his brother, in the second row, is talking so he only hears some of it and after a few moments he asks:

“But what if there were ninja’s around?”

Because he thought I said babies come out from China.


  1. *giggle* That is always a fun topic! lol

  2. lol!! Well, so many things are made in China, after all...

  3. That was awesome. Pure, 100% undistilled awesome.

  4. Boys are very interesting. We had the talk early and used the correct words. Tim got the idea that a vagina was a type of vase. When he told us that, we created all types of puns. it was hilarious!

  5. Wonderful! LOL bungee babies and China / ninjas!
    Kids are just fab. I guess they'll get it all sorted out in the end. One day they will probably be dads themselves and your efforts will have been worthwhile, howlers and all!

  6. ROFLOL - i can totally see how that would happen having this conversation in the mini-van. That back row is really like the dome of silence.

    My first was c-section and the other two VBAC. We always told the kids that my daughter didn't want to come out the door, so she used the window.


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