Happy Birthday Mayhem


My 9lb 2oz newborn is a strapping 45lbs today. He’s still every bit as cuddly as he was 6 years ago.

Last night he was in tears because “I want to be you wittle boy forever, I don’t want to be a teenager”


Me too sweetie.

Happy Birthday little man!


  1. awww, how sweet! Happy Birthday little man! :)

  2. Happy Birthday, Mayhem!!! Guess what, even teen boys can be cuddly when they want to be :)

  3. That's so sweet! My little girl doesn't want to grow up either!

  4. Aww.... Happy birthday little man!

    (Whoa - 9lb 2oz??? Never all that little, then! My The Boy was an 8 pounder and that was bad enough!!)

  5. Hope Mr. Mayham has a wonderful birthday.

  6. Awww!! Happy Birthday young man ..... it won't be long til you start asking people to stop treating you like a kid!!

  7. The good thing about "growing up" is that it happens slowly, which gives us all a bit of time to adjust.
    Moms look back on the "baby years" with nostalgia, but they can still be your "baby" at 12, 13, 16...
    And kids get used to being 6 and wish to be 7, then 8... being a teenager is some way off yet and you'll both be ready for it when it comes!
    Meanwhile, Happy 6th Birthday!

  8. What a handsome young man!

    Happy Birthday Mayhem!!

  9. aaww, that is so sweet. Happy birthday to him

  10. I have a soon-to-be five-year-old. Each year is a big deal. Plus, right now, they are moving into full-on boys!

  11. That is so sweet! Happy Birthday little guy!

  12. That is so sweet! Happy Birthday little guy!


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