Never manages to be Wordless Wednesday


A rare moment of peace & quiet Monday at the end of a 4 day holiday. They were watching the Penguins of Madagascar on the TV in our bedroom. later we would have epic drama over practicing TKD forms before class, but this was nice while it lasted.


  1. I love the penguins from Madagascar! They always put me in fits of laughter! :D

  2. I love the idea of a wordless Wednesday. It might help me feel less pressure to be clever at least one day a week. Well who am I kidding, I'm not always shooting for clever anyway...interesting would be nice but I'll settle for not yawn- inducing.

    Great photo, btw. And backtracking a bit, I have to say I almost picked up the first book in your last post and now I wish I had!

  3. Cute photo. I am amazed at how they can sit so close together without fighting - mine would be at each other's throats!

  4. Aw, cuteness! Well done for being speedy enough to capture the tranquility while it lasted x

  5. Isn't it amazing how fast it can change from a house full of angels that have you thanking the stars for your wonderful children to a house full of challenges that have you pulling your hair out?

  6. aaawww....butter wouldn't melt .....yeah right!!!! Ace photo :)

  7. That is an awesome pic. I love black and white pics.

  8. Love that you turned the photo black and white - their expressions *pop* more. Great photo!

  9. Love that you turned the photo black and white - their expressions *pop* more. Great photo!


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