Check in on the goals

This past weekend, finally having a few hours of peace, I took some time to revist the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year and see how I am doing at meeting them.

My primary goal this year is to take control of my photo processing workflow by using Lightroom, makings sure to tag new photos & delete the bad ones as I go. I’m doing great on this one. I may not tag them immediately as I import them, but I do tag them as I rename or edit them. All the fuzzy, too dark, and weirdly chopped photos are deleted as I go. So far so good on goal number one.

Goal number two was more commenting on blogs, layout and photos. I’ve discovered that I have to pick & choose to make this work. Last week I was good about blogs and photos but commented on no layouts, the week before that was photos and layouts but not many blogs. Goal number two still needs work but is coming along.

My last goal was to accept in my heart & mind that veggies are not just a side dish.


Maybe they are just a side dish actually.

I’ve done ok for the most part adding one veggie meal a week or at least one mostly veggie meal. These are usually frittatas with veggie filling or veggie soup and occasionally pasta with added veg, like replacing a layer of lasagna noodles with zucchini and using roasted pureed eggplant along with the tomato sauce. I have discovered a few things though. My kids will at least try most vegetables if they are raw or total mush (as in have been in a crock pot for 8 hours), but not at any cooked stage in between. They particularly hate the texture of frozen veggies that are then microwaved, except peas & corn. I get that. I have texture issues as well with food. So instead of coming up with cooked dishes I have been serving raw veggie assortments at meals, getting them used to just eating the things regularly. The few cooked vegetable dishes I make have the vegetables cooked very very soft. Goal three has not had much progress but I do have a better understanding of what I need to do to advance.

How is everyone else doing with their resolutions and goals, assuming you set any?


  1. I have achieved 100% of the 0 goals I set for myself this year.

  2. Check out my blog - I've commented on my goals AND nominated you for a blog award!

  3. Good for you :-) I made plans rather than setting goals, but most of my plans are coming along nicely, thank you! x

  4. I didn't set any goals for myself this year. Therefore, I'm pretty successful!

    AS for veggies ... other than corn and peas, I prefer to serve them raw. I think it's a texture thing for me too. I hate veggies to begin with but if they're warm and mushy as well? OMG. YUCK.

  5. Well, I think I may be doing ok... except I can't remember what goals I set!
    Not quite true - I did set a goal to take opportunities. I've done ok at that and it's resulted in 2 pieces of work being accepted for publication (and also one non-starter, but 2 out of 3....).
    I have also started to get a bit fitter, though the exercise is kind-of a bye-product of being more busy, rather than being planned into my day. It means I have lost some weight too.
    I'm looking after my health better.
    I think I'm doing okay, thanks!

    Well done for trying to keep to your goals - and pretty much succeeding so far!

  6. Great job on the photo organization! I bought a new external hard drive at Christmas and have only moved over and organized about 20% of what I have on this computer. Really need to get a handle on that. I've noticed (and appreciate!) the blog commenting!

  7. I had something really good the other day and will be making it myself for sure. Those small cute red and yellow bell peppers (not sure what they are called, but they are like 2 or 3 bites small) and then stuff with hummus, I may also try them stuffed with cottage cheese. The peppers are on the sweet side not hot at all.

    I had 3 goals and one is done, the other will be done 5/2, and then I am going to concentrate on the third.

  8. I had something really good the other day and will be making it myself for sure. Those small cute red and yellow bell peppers (not sure what they are called, but they are like 2 or 3 bites small) and then stuff with hummus, I may also try them stuffed with cottage cheese. The peppers are on the sweet side not hot at all.

    I had 3 goals and one is done, the other will be done 5/2, and then I am going to concentrate on the third.


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