Weekly Winners

We still have a decent amount of snow from the snow falls on the 6th and 12th and 15th of this month. We were finally able to buy a new sled for the boys yesterday. 5 dinos worth of snow and nothing to sled with! Now there is barely half a dino’s worth of snow out there but it’s still good sledding



We found some pear flavored sake while shopping this week


I bought some groceries


Made a sock dog


And dealt with computer hackers


For more Weekly Winners please visit Lotus at Sarcastic Mom. Thanks for stopping by!

I’ve just installed the Disqus commenting system due to recent excessive anonymous spam. It might pop up and ask you to join Disqus. You do not need to do this to comment. You can just complete the name, email, URL fields and comment that way as a guest. It should remember you in the future. I apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any problems please let me know at havocandmayhemATgmailDOTcom.  Thanks


  1. I think I only visit Australian blogs for a while, because everywhere I go there is snow, lol ! I am so fat up with it.
    But nevertheless your pictures are very nice !

  2. So THAT'S what the dinos were doing while everyone else was sledding!

  3. OMG the computer hackers made me LOL! How funny! You need an Etsy shop for those sock dogs - that is the cutest thing!!

    Anything Asian Pear flavored and I'm in.

  4. I love the sock dog - and the dinosaurs :)

  5. I love the sock dog and the toy dinosaurs!

  6. What a great collection! I love the action shot of sledding - we have a sled like that and it's great (when we have enough snow!). The dog is still my favourite photo on a blog this week. I'm so pleased to see you had such success with it. The sock pets are quite straighforward to make, but that dog is far-out wonderful!
    You really need to take those dinos in hand though, before they cause some real Havoc & Mayhem of their own!

  7. Hahah, loving the sock monkey and the hackers. Good shots AND funny. <3

  8. Love that the dinos are helping with the IT jobs!

  9. BUT! Did the dinos go sledging too??? I'm also intrigued by what recipes you had planned, based on the groceries :-) (I'm just really nosey....)

  10. Looks like you had a mostly-fun week! I have had the same spam B.S. and moved to Disqus on my cooking blog. I only wish my Blogger comments had followed! (still working on it)

  11. Love the sock puppet and the dinos.Love the new header too.

  12. Olives! Now I want olives!

  13. domesticextraordinaireFebruary 28, 2010 at 4:43 PM

    Love the sock dog! Great shots!

  14. Wondering if you know the conversion from dinos to inches? Love the photos!

  15. you made that sock dog??? too cute.

  16. This reminds me that I MUST take my boy sledding soon. He'd love it.

  17. Darn those hackers!!! lol Love it!

  18. Hmmmmm - I'm curious as to whether you're going to like Disqus? I've heard both positive and negative things about it and at one time, when I was pulling my hair out about my own comment issues, I thought I'd install it but I wound up resolving my issues instead. Still though ... I like the looks of Disqus.

    As well as your pictures! LOVE THAT SOCK DOG.

  19. I love your sock dog!!! The sledding pics are great too.


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