Some assembly required

Thursday I bought 2 dressers from IKEA. Each dresser came packed flat in 2 boxes. Friday night we bought a new TV stand and added a new tv to stand on it. The flat box for the TV stand weighed 85lbs. The TV only weighed 55lbs.

I spent 4.5 hours Saturday assembling dressers while DH took Havoc and planted trees with his scout troop.

Mayhem played Wii Lego Indiana Jones the whole time.

Parenting FAIL but it was a success from an uninterrupted assembly standpoint.

First I opened Box 1. 

There were drawers in Box 1


Do you know what is the last thing the instructions have you assemble is? DRAWERS! Do you know where the instructions are packed? Box 2, with all the stuff you need to assemble first.

Why not name Box 2 Box1, since it is the one you need first?

The dresser involves the fun lining up of multiple pegs onto one board


And of course you can never get all the pegs into the holes without having to lift up some of the ones that did make it in so you can line up the ones that didn’t, thereby causing THEM to not line up while the others do. 

5 tries to get the 14 pegs to line up!

The instructions clearly show one unhappy person attempting to assemble the dresser, with a big X on it and another drawing of two happy people attempting to assemble the dresser. Unfortunately only my unhappy self was available if I wanted those dressers assembled this weekend.

Eventually I did get it framed


Having done one, the second was a snap!


Let’s not talk about what the screwdriver and hammer did to my carpels or the big blister on the inside of my thumb from holding the drill, which is just a tad too big for my hand and has a long shaft holding the phillips head screwdriver bit.

So Sunday when the new TV stand needed to be assembled and the new TV mounted, I confined myself to providing the necessary hardware at each step & let DH damage his hands on it.  I also hooked up all the electronics & ran the wiring.

Because that is part of ‘home decor’ and DH doesn’t do ‘decor’

This was our old TV set up.


This is the new TV set up.


I really need to do something about those gold walls….

I luv the new TV.  Friday we received a disc from Netflix that lets us stream movies to the TV through the Wii!  I hate watching movies on my laptop so I have not used the instant viewing option much. We get unlimited instant viewing with our account so I am looking forward to getting to rewatch some of my favorite very old British dramas like Upstairs Downstairs and The Duchess of Duke Street, along with old Doctor Who episodes I haven’t seen in 20 years and Miss Marple & Poirot, as well as Red Dwarf and Monarch of the Glen, without having to wait for movies to be returned & shipped back.

(Pretty much the only thing I watched on PBS, once I outgrew Sesame Street, were, and still are, British tv shows)

I have to enjoy it while I can. Next week is Spring Break for the boys.


  1. We still have the desks to set up for our office that we bought at IKEA. We spent hours assembling all the other furniture we bought, and when I say "we" I mean Nate because I don't have the patience for that kind of stuff.

    It's a huge PITA to do, but the price we paid for the stuff is worth it. I guess. Maybe I should ask Nate?

    Your TV center looks great now!

  2. Yay for British TV! I loved Duchess of Duke Street when I was a child. Now I like American dramas ~ West Wing, 24, The Sopranos, ER ~ you get the idea.

  3. Well done you! A great job on those chests of drawers / "dressers".. hmm.. in UK, a dresser is a cupboard with shelves above for your plates, which you have in the kitchen or dining room. I guess you call that a "buffet" with a "hutch"! Language differences are fun! We use a "hutch" to keep rabbits in!!

    The new dressers are fab and I love your new tv and cabinet. The little baskets are cool - we have some of those for our Wii bits & bobs too.

    Looks great - now you just have to make the boys look after them!

  4. My girls have those same dressers! and they are great! Hold up really well to lots of abuse. And I love the new TV set-up, especially the pretty baskets.

  5. You are amazing assemblying those dressers on your own. They look really nice too. I love your new TV and stand - very very pretty.

  6. You rock. And I have to admit that I am feeling very thankful that my husband is handy right now.


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