Wordless Wednesday

 nov 02015

One of my favorite baby photos of Havoc. He was 6 weeks old. My mother was very insistent that he needed sunglasses in the Florida sun


  1. That is an awesome photo. Very cute.

  2. debbie_suburbsanityMarch 31, 2010 at 5:10 AM

    Proving that moms really do know best! He is adorable. Love those shades.
    Came over from SITS.

  3. That is too cute!! Stopping by to show some some love from SITS!

    Toni @ Hemp & High Heels

  4. Ah, that is a bit hilarious really! He is so tiny and looks very cute indeed! Those shades are soooo cooool!
    But don't they grow so fast! Look at him now!

  5. oh.my.god. That is just ... ADORABLE!

  6. LOL, that is SO CUTE! Can't wait to see your page!


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