Album layouts

I am slowly working on scrapping a “Life Lessons” album. I have no idea how many pages it will be when done but when the mood, a quote or challenge prompts, hit me, I make some pages.

I have 5 so far, though I can’t seem to find #2 on my hard drive





Sweet Shoppe Designs challenges this month prompted lessons 4 & 5 and will probably lead to at least 3 more if I can get to them. I’d like to do about 25 or so and get them made into a bound book. I’m bad with themes but I have enough quotes and things that it is certainly do-able & if it takes me a couple years to finish it, that’s ok too.

My mojo seems to have disappeared this week though so I have no gotten any layouts done in a week or so.


  1. What a fab idea :-) Love these pages! And my mojo got left behind in Transylvania, but I think it's finally returning home...

  2. Those look great. What software do you use?

  3. Mostly I use Paint Shop Pro X2, sometimes I use PSCS3

  4. oh, I love that! What a great idea!

  5. That is a brilliant idea! They look great!

  6. fabulous idea and I enjoyed the sentiments you have done so far. Wish I'd thought to tell my younger nephew about the balance of trusting and naive.

  7. I love these pages you posted! They look great!


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