Weekly Winners

It has been beautiful out lately


But really windy and that has been spreading pollen far and wide, making me wheeze and sneeze.

The source of my respiratory distress


The boys had a new & used book fair at their school & bought some new to them books


And I made some yogurt (post coming next week)


For more Weekly Winners please visit Lotus at Sarcastic Mom.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. We have many of those same books at our house! Wonderful photos!

  2. Ah, the Dragon books! We have all of them (even the tiny "How to Train your Viking" that was a World Book Day special!). They are wonderful... laugh-out-loud funny! J. was still having bed-time stories when we collected these, so I had such a great time reading them to him - doing all the voices (esp. loved doing "Gobber the Belch" as a sergeant major!). We both love them. We saw the film recently. A bit sad that it doesn't follow the story in the book at all, but it was a great film nevertheless.

    Have you tried the "Humphrey" books by Betty G. Birney? Nothing like "How to Train Your Dragon" et al, but really lovely for boys (and girls I suppose, but I have only a boy). All about a school classroom hamster, called Humphrey, who keeps a diary of his adventures. Love them! Again, we have the whole set (including the World Book Day special!!!!). I would really recommend these and they would probably get a kid reading, even if he wasn't too keen normally.

    Happy Reading!

  3. I love the shot of yoghurt. Nice! =)

  4. Mmmm homemade yogurt!!

  5. Beautiful spring flowers and buds. That yogurt is looking delicious too.

  6. I can't believe you MADE yogurt! Also, that pollen pic is really stunning!

  7. wait, hold on, you made your own yogurt?? cool shot. i love the book shot too -- and i'm a little envious. we're still on board and flip books here -- the same ones over and over and over ...

  8. Ah, spring has arrived! Can't wait to hear the yogurt recipe!

  9. That yoghurt looks delicious!

  10. The Boy loves those Cressida Cowell books :-)


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