It’s a blog hop!

A couple of weeks ago my friend Mel at I Speak Melsh signed up for an All About Me class at Big Picture Scrapbooking. It’s a free class. She thought it might be fun if a bunch of us took the class too and then posted out projects online.

I checked the class out.

It’s paper.

I’m digi.

I am always reluctant to confront my nemesis – The Scissors. I’m even more reluctant when it’s likely to involve his sidekick Mod Podge and his little glue stick minions.

I lack basic kindergarten craft skills. Give me a computer program of any sort and I am all over it. Scissors and glue are much too complicated for me.  Last time I had the Mod Podge out I glued my pants to my leg, then glued the cutting board to the desk.

Plus, I didn’t understand the instructions for making the fold out album. It seemed fraught with peril.

So I thought maybe I’ll just do a single page or turn the project into a couple pages for the AAM album I am working on all year.

Then I remembered I owned a Maya Road layered chipboard album. I had bought a couple of them a year or so ago in a fit of optimism. I wanted to make DH a Father’s Day gift. That would be the aforementioned Mod Podge incident.

But leaving aside the glue issue it was a fairly straightforward assembly. Create the pages in PSP, print them, cut them out & glue them. I’d used a box cutter & ruler instead of scissors. This could work again.

I am 75% more likely to cut a straight line with a box cutter & ruler than with The Scissors.

I am also 75% more likely to cut myself with a box cutter & ruler than with The Scissors but with all the Mod Podge everywhere, probably it would stop any bleeding and seal the wound.

So I pressed on. I used Eva Kipler’s Annabella kit. Available at Sweet Shoppe Designs.


There are rounded corners, so I can’t escape The Scissors entirely. One of the reasons The Scissors are my nemesis is I can never find the damn things when I need them. There are at least 5 pairs of adult sized, long pointy scissors somewhere in my house and several small embroidery scissors but when I need to cut something the only pair I seem to find are kiddy safety scissors I can barely get my fingers around.


Then I glued them to the chipboard with the Mod Podge. I also glued the brush to the sanding block and later glued two of my fingers together.


Because I would fail arts & crafts class in kindergarten, I cleverly disguised my cutting & gluing inadequacies by sanding down all the edges and then over the tops, for that ‘deliberately scuffed & worn’ look.


I couldn’t decide on one quote so I put one on each page.


Then dug out some photos I thought went well with them and told facts about me





The dinos insisted they be included.


On the back is my favorite poem Desiderata.

All in all I am pleased with it.

If you are blog hopping your next stop is Enjoy The Ride Today!

If you are one of my regular readers & don’t know about the hop, jump over to I Speak Melsh where the hop begins. She has a list of everyone involved. Check them out. There are some really neat albums out there.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Stacy,
    This is fantastic!!! I don't think I've ever mentioned before how much I enjoy your writing, but I do! And this post is hilarious, and your album is adorable! It's fun to learn a bit more about you.

  2. This is adorable... I love this mini book and how you put the quotes on the edges. Makes it all gel so nicely. Love it!

  3. Stacey I love your colours and the style you have used - totally lush darling. Photos are fab. Thanks for sharing. Hugs Cherry XXX

  4. Fabulous Stacy - I'm with Rinda - love the way you write! I do hope you have recovered from the scissors and glue episode ... I fail at arts and crafts too, don't even own modpodge!

  5. kids safety scissors are so frustrating - in my sisters house the ones with rabbit ears for handles never seem to get lost. Perhaps the clones should learn to handle the glue. Album looks wonderful - love the colours and the shape. As always your posts are a delight to read.

  6. Stacey you make me laugh!! I have an image of you walking round the house with stuck-together-fingers shouting for scissors!! The little album is so lovely & well worth the trauma of modgepodge & kindergarten shame. Thanks for sharing xx

  7. I'm so glad you "stuck" with this project (sorry, couldn't resist that pun!), as it looks amazing. I'm another who also loves the way you write, wish I could do half as well.

  8. This book is absolutely gorgeous - I love the colours, the over-lap style, everything! Plus, totally intrigued by the dinosaurs...

  9. The album is the way it has all come together.....I laughed my way through your post.....and would never have guessed you were kindergarten level.....advanced would be my thought!!!!

  10. It's a gorgeous little book, and the post too is very 'you'! Clever idea to make it hybrid, and also to sand the edges (I use this device to disguise ragged edges too...) I'm wondering if your fingers would get round the children's scissors better if they (the fingers) weren't glued together? But I hope you feel all the angst was worth it, long after the glue has worn off and the scissors are lost (again) you'll still have this adorable keepsake :-)

  11. I too love they way you have written this and the scissors episode had me reallyh laughing, so very familiar - great stuff xx

  12. You say you are not a paperscrapper....well I love your project is it beautiful, the colours are gorgeous. You should be very proud.

    Have a brilliant weekend

  13. I'm a digi scrapper too and I toyed with the idea of doing this project the traditional way but eventually decided against it.

    Love your project and the colours you've used, especially love the stepped look to your minibook.

  14. Brave and beautiful - you will love being able to touch it again and again.

  15. Love your style and the colours you've chosen. Well worth the visit..... and your glued together fingers!

  16. I think you are far too can certainly work that glue when you want to! This is a perfect little album Stacey. Great job :)

  17. This is really CUTE!!! Love the colours!!!!!

  18. For someone lacking in basic kindergarten skills, you have made a beautiful album - and the color scheme is yummy and dreamy. Love it. Would love to see you share more of your digi work. (I'm digi too)

  19. This is such a cute design for the mini book, I love the layered effect and I especially love the quotes. Don't think I've discovered your blog before but I'll be back!

  20. This is brillaint and no sign of any dodgy glueing!!

  21. Love your digi version of this project - computers scare me so I am safer with scissors!!

  22. love your idea and all the quotes and the photos are fantastic x

  23. Hi Stacey ~ I'm finally getting around to all the "All About Me" projects, and I must say that yours is one of my favorites! I love the design you used, and your photos and colors are well done too. Hooray - this has been such a fun blog hop! ~ Deb

  24. I love your mini book it is simply brilliant and I would never have guest your aversion to scissors and glue etc etc!

  25. It's obviously taken me quite some time to make it through the blog hop, but I'm so glad I did. The Maya Road album is just perfect for this project and your album is just wonderful!

  26. i so love ur funny comments about glue and scissors. glue can be a total devil in disguise and scissors, well i cant cut straight either, i am left handed but cant used L handed scissors, go figure. i love ur cute lil book and desoite all the angst it seems to have really well, despite the major incident involving the glue and scissors!!! :-)


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