School is out!

The boys got home at 1pm & were in the pool minutes later.

note to self:buy more waterproof sunscreen

Followed by whining that they wanted specific friends to come over, but the specific friends live in the next county over & are not out of school until next week. Other friends are not home because their parents both work & they are in day care or with other family members. Obviously I need to call up some of their school friends parents and arrange some play dates or something.

Later we went to the county library and signed up for the summer reading program the school sponsors & the boys came home with a few books to start with. Havoc found some age appropriate encyclopedia type books. He has one on science & technology timelines – origins of science. (The series is 8 books each covering a time period) and a couple older Scholastic Star Wars books, written before Phantom Menace & the rest came out. Mayhem has a couple story books featuring trucks and one about deep sea diving.

I got a book called the Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder, which is the first in a cozy series that all feature baked goods in the title and recipes in the book.

Tomorrow we are going to slack off a bit & then clean in anticipation of my parents arrival Saturday. Somehow I have to reassemble the futon bed in the playroom, which has been stuffed with random unused bits of furniture so there is no room to fold out the futon sofa.

Monday we start the summer routine which includes reading time, writing time and workbook time every day. They both need to work on writing sentences. Havoc lacks adjectives & adverbs in his and Mayhem is still working on forming 3 sentence groups. Both their teachers recommended I have them read a book or a couple chapters & then help them write synopsis of what they read until they can do it themselves. Havoc is also supposed to keep a journal all summer, so I have Mayhem keeping one as well. Both of them came home with half completed math workbooks & suggestions for using the rest of the books this summer. I figure an hour of school work a day isn’t too bad.

Plus we are watching the Young Indiana Jones series, which was written to be educational and the discs come with lots of ‘extra’ materials, stuff from the History Channel. My plan is go to the library weekly and look up a book or two about whatever interested them most from the episodes they have seen. Indy meets almost everyone of importance & goes all over the place between 1906-1928 so there is a lot of material to keep us occupied. We have a couple books about King Tut & Egypt to read up on this week.

Then there are the travel plans. They are old enough and tall enough to ride most of the rides at Busch Gardens or Kings Dominion. But GEEZ! the ticket prices are high! I’m hoping to get to one of them this summer. I’d like to go to a water park a few times as well but the nearest outdoor one is an hour and a half away so it’s not going to be a weekly feature. Plus we want to take a day trip into DC to visit the Air & Space museum and Havoc is interested in seeing the Lincoln Memorial & the White House. Plus a few days in my hometown visiting family, getting photos taken & stuffing myself with diCarlo’s pizza every evening.

Vacation bible school does not seem to be an option this year. Havoc has become a fundamentalist pagan & wants nothing to do with Christian bible school. He wants Heathen Bible School & I had to tell him heathens & pagans don’t have a bible, so no bible school. He’s reconsidering his position though because he enjoys bible school every year. I just have this feeling of foreboding that my 7 year old will get kicked out of VBS because he keeps harping on ‘all the other gods’ to the teachers.

Talk about being THAT mother!

Despite all the plans I suspect it will be a rather quiet summer & that is fine with me.


  1. I hear you about amusement park prices... we have Canada's Wonderland not too far from us, and the ticket costs alone for the four of us clear $100 for one day... that's almost as much as a YEAR at the zoo.

  2. Can't believe you broke up already! When do they start back? We don't finish till 21st July!!

    Had to laugh at 'Heathen Bible School'....

  3. Wow! You sound so organized already! Today is our first day of summer, and we're watching World Cup Soccer. DS will be playing baseball and working (as a volunteer) at sports camp. He's got summer reading for his advanced english class, but I don't even want to bring that up for a while. DD will be going to Jr. Lifeguards for four weeks (10-3 at the beach) and then to So.Cal. to visit cousins. She definitely needs to read regularly, and we'll start her up with math tutoring a few weeks before school starts. Our family vacation will just be a week at Lake Tahoe.

  4. We still have about 2 more weeks of school. I'm actually dreading summer because my girls can't be in the same room with each other without a verbal smackdown happening within 30 seconds. It's exhausting.

    PS - I just tried to submit this comment - did you change your commenting system? I'm not sure I'm doing this right ...

  5. Sounds like you've got it all sorted! I guess, if an hour a day of school work helps your boys, ready for next term, then it's time very well spent. They sound as if they have similar interests to my son too - Star Wars, "how things work" type books etc.

    We'd like to go to amusement/theme parks too, but they are so prohibitively expensive.
    We stayed in Fairfax, VA, a number of years ago (DS was onlyl 3 1/2) and visited DC on several occasions, as it only cost $5 for an off-peak metro ticket. Several visits to the zoo, a ride on the carousel, a bit of a look at the White House etc. A couple of great days out at the Natural History Museum - heavy emphasis on the Dinosaur displays and the various sea animals, bugs & insects. Also we went to the Children's Museum, which was a lovely day out (though we had to pay a small entrance fee for that). DH came with us to the Air and Space Museum and took DS into the Lunar Landing Module etc. He was a bit small to cope with some of the displays, as they were quite complex, though he got a fair bit out of it. Would love to return to USA one day and go back to Washington DC.

    LOL "Pagan Bible School"! Maybe the library might be a good source of help on this too - he can have his own "school" at home...

    Our children do not break up for their summer holiday until almost the end of July. They have 6 weeks and go back at the very start of September. Sigh... I like to have him home - it would be great if he started his long vacation now - while the sun is out!!

  6. Wow! I haven't been thinking of it as officially summer yet, but it already sounds like you have a full plate!
    Young Indy was great, I think I have it on my Netflix list.
    I think I've read some of the Chocolate Chip series... There's a chocolate bear or cat one, I think. They're good. I also like the Chyna Bales herbalist mysteries with recipes by susan wittig albert OR the Scumble River series by Denise Swanson (no recipes, but just funny).

  7. Had to laugh at the pagan/heathen bible school... now wouldn't that be something?! :) Sounds like you have great plans for summer. I wish there was a summer break for me... I have always missed that after leaving school. That and the extended winter breaks we would have over the holidays. For a while when I entered the working world, I would take a 2-week vacation between Dec. and Jan. just so I could still have that break. Ah.... kids just don't get how good they have it, do they? As always, love reading your posts!!

  8. Dude. Can I send Benner over? He's at your kids' level and my other two? Not so much. It's going to be a LONG summer.


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