Scrapbook Saturday

I didn’t do much scrapping in May. I lacked time & motivation but I am getting back into it this month.

Here are some of the layouts I have done so far:

We set up the pool



My then current book pile summer reading


This was based on my yogurt post



This was for a challenge to use roygbiv in a layout



  1. Great layouts!! I really need to try and get some more done. Life has so gotten in the way lately.

  2. Beautiful layouts! The colors one is so inspiring and love the colors in the swimming one also. And I think I am going to have to lift the reading one! Have a nice weekend!

  3. These are great! I love the book layout (would have never thought to do a layout of my current book pile!) and the Roy G Biv one. I just scrapped three pages digitally tonight after not working on my albums for MONTHS. Need to get back into the habit of this, and you helped inspire me. Thanks!

  4. Love the color layout! Is it paper or digital? It is SOOOO involved!


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