It’s my birthday today

43 years ago I made my somewhat drowsy entrance into the world.  Apparently I was a ‘good baby’, meaning I slept a lot.

I wish I could still sleep a lot.

For my birthday I want my insomnia to go away & never ever come back.

Since that will never happen, in lieu of that I will take a Kindle.

Since that will never happen either, I’ll take stuffing myself with sushi.

But that may not happen either for financial reasons so how about 3 hours alone with a book?


I did get a rather nice present yesterday & wasn’t even aware of it until DH told me about it.

Apparently, this really good looking, really buff lifeguard was checking me out big time while we packing up to leave the beach. DH said he first though the guy was just looking around & stopped on us because we’re by his chair & we’re packing up but the longer he watched the more apparent it became that the man was eyeing me up appreciatively.

So I feel all sexy now that some 20 year old guy thought I was worth staring at in that way.

Happy birthday to me.

It seems I’ve still got it. :)


  1. Happy birthday - and that's a great birthday present indeed :-)

  2. :o) Well, happy birthday, Stacey. This is a cute post ~ I wish you sleep, a good book, and many more head-turning experiences. ;o) xo

  3. I'm with ya on the insomnia - but I vote for sushi with a book :)

    Happy Birthday, Stacey - I hope it's fabulous for you!

  4. What an awesome gift! I'd take that!! Happy Birthday!

  5. Happy birthday, you sexy thang!

  6. Ha ha! What a happy birthday present! :) Hope you got your sushi!

  7. Ha! That's great Stacey! I hope DH now sees you just as appreciatively too...
    Happy Birthday (belatedly)! :-)


    I don't think anyone has stared at me appreciatively in years. Unless you count the creepy guy at Wemans who seemed entranced by how I was shucking corn. Ewwwww.

    Happy birthday, you hottie!

  9. I missed it! Sorry!!

    Happy happy belated birthday.

    And you TOTALLY still got it, woman!

  10. What an awesome gift! I'd take that!! Happy Birthday!


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