Vacation #2 – the beach

2010-07-18 09.45.43

We had a great time at Rehoboth Beach & were bummed we only had 2 nights there. Next year I think we may try for 4 nights or so. A whole 6 nights might be a bit much just from a sand & sun point.

My SILs rented a house a couple blocks from the beach. It was a 70 year old bungalow style house that had been updated a bit. Lovely hardwood floors everywhere. A very nice place but like nearly all house rentals you have to bring everything but plates. Sheets, towels, toilet paper, food are all on you & guess who’s husband failed to mention the sheets & towels thing until we were sitting on the front porch of the house waiting for his sisters to arrive with the key?


We brought food. I had foreseen that, but we bring food everywhere we go so it’s not really an issue. I’d wondered about the linens but since nothing had been said & nothing was on the rental website I figured sheets were provided.

Apparently my SIL sent DH an email on July 7 reminding him about the sheets, towels & toilet paper issue, but DH never saw it until we were sitting on the porch. Fortunately they brought extras.

And you have to clean up after yourself.

Cooking, cleaning, washing dishes, had we been there longer I would have done laundry.

Exactly how is that a vacation really? Same work, different location.

But it was really nice to have the whole house available. It had a big main room with cable tv,a/c, two bedrooms downstairs and a big open upstairs that could sleep 6-8 people, plus a nice kitchen, dining room & screen porch

I think though if just the 4 of us stay at the beach I would prefer an efficiency suite at a hotel. They provide everything but the food and clean up after you.

To me a vacation is meant to be spent in comfort and laziness, which is why I hate camping.

The boys loved the beach. Havoc spent most of his time in the waves and Mayhem spent his buried in sand




There was a Funland on the boardwalk about 2 blocks from our street, we went a couple times. It had rides for the kids


2010-07-18 15.06.33

2010-07-18 15.11.53

I left the D40 at home. These were all taken with my cell.

Apart from the 53 minute wait at the Bay Bridge toll booth, it was a great trip & I think we’ll try to get a beach destination vacation in next year or the one after.


  1. So glad you had a good time :-)

    And yeah, self-catering type holidays are great in many ways, but I do like to be looked after on holiday - all-inclusive hotels are *fab!*

  2. Glad you had a nice time in our state! (I live about an hour and a half from Rehoboth, maybe less.) Great photos! (And you have my sympathies with the sheets and towels issue ... we forgot towels - duh! - on our beach vacation last week.)

  3. Nice resolution on that cell... 5MP?

    I am totally with you; vacations are for laziness, not more work.

  4. Grace just said to me, "Remember, at the beach, that place where I got to fly the airplane and wear a seat belt? I want to go there tomorrow."

    Apparently, Funland made a real impression on her. Looks like your boys had a great time, too!

  5. The pictures are beautiful. I so hear you on the vacations that are fun, but not really vacations. We always rent a house too and I love it and it's the only way to go with four little kids, but oh my, the straightening and the cleaning and the buying. Crazy.

  6. I hate the clean up after staying in a rental house on vacation, but I love the extra room and amenities that you get by staying in one. If I'm traveling without the kids (which is never) I prefer a hotel, but if the kids are with us, then I prefer the rental homes because everyone gets their own bedrooms and the grownups get more adult time after the munchkins go to bed.

    BTW, I've nominated you for a Versatile Blogger award over on my blog. :-) Love your posts!

  7. First of all, those are damn good photos for a cell.

    Second ... I have to agree with you on the linens/cleaning up bit. My SIL's family rents a house every summer and has to to this same thing and I wondered about that as well. The last thing I want to do on vacation is clean up after my family.

  8. Looks like fun, thank goodness for SILS with foresight huh? lol Great camera shots! And I hear ya, we did a lot of tent camping, I finally said no more til we have a real camper, was no vacation for me and I love camping but I swear but the time I'd get everything cleaned up from one meal, people were hungry again and I was bent over a hot fire cooking all day. No thanks. lol

  9. This looks like a great vacation! All kinds of fun and relaxation.


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