Talking points

I can’t think of anything that would fill a whole blog post so I am working with bullet points today

  • Its freakin hot AGAIN! It had cooled down there for a week or so but it’s back to hovering around 100
  • I won a contest at Lizzie Made! I won a spot in shimelle’s Love Your Pictures Love Your Pages class. It ran in July but shimelle keeps all the materials available online for you to work through at your own pace.This’ll by my 4th class with her. I’ve also taken Blogging for Scrapbookers, Learn Something New and of course Journal Your Christmas
  • Note to self – if you think you smell green peppers when you pick up carryout pizza – CHECK THE PIZZA. Take 5 seconds, pull over, whatever, open the box & look because discovering that there are SURPRISE! GREEN PEPPERS! on your pizza at home, 20 minutes later is a real bummer. So’s the drive back into town to get the right pizza. Green peppers are a lingering scent in pizza stores, but not THAT lingering. Green peppers & pineapple… I’d’ve kept the pizza but no one would eat that combo
  • The new improved insult currently in use in our house is ‘sweaty caveman’ and I must admit I kind of like it. “Stop being a sweaty caveman Mayhem”. “You are SUCH a sweaty caveman”. I may start using it myself. Who is going to be insulted by it? Those guys at Geico?
  • You know what is a really liberating milestone? When your kids can buckle & unbuckle themselves at the appropriate times from their car seats. OMG! Life suddenly got ever so much easier when I no longer had to buckle people.
  • I’m sending my Kindle back to Amazon tomorrow to exchange for the wifi version. It doesn't ship until Aug 27th though so I have to swing by the library after the UPS store to pick up some things to read until then
  • Speaking of things to read. I know I mentioned that I was reading some books in a series & I really didn’t like them. The Hannah Swenson mysteries. Yeah. I’m still reading them. Still don’t like them. But they have cookie recipes in them & every time I read one I end up thinking “I need to make cookies” instead of “well, that really sucked” But they do annoy the daylights out of me.
  • Did you know that a home equity line counts as a revolving credit on your credit score? I didn’t. Apparently because we owe $40,000 on it it dings us on our credit score for ‘high revolving debt’ even though we have never ever made a late payment. I thought it fell under ‘mortgage’ but I suppose since we can actually take up to $55,000 out whenever we feel like it, it is sort of like a credit card.
  • Much much better interest though.
  • Sometimes I really really hate the things I have to know as an adult

Any bullet points going on in your life lately?


  1. Interestingly, when my wife chooses a two-topping pizza for her tastes, it's pineapple and green pepper. (If it's three, she adds ham or bacon.)

  2. Those credit report guys are such sweaty cavemen!

  3. There comes a time when the kids can buckle and unbuckle themselves? Oh my gosh, you just gave me such a HUGE freaking ray of hope for my future!

  4. I agree, loved it when kids could buckle themselves. And Green Peppers & Pineapple are great together! I make a chicken, pepper, pineapple kabob on the grill - delish!

  5. great timing! At approximately the time you were posting this morning, my little one was attempting to buckle herself in (she can unbuckle just fine already) for the first time!
    I like green peppers on pizza, I like pineapple on pizza. I have never considered having the items on the same pizza.
    I spent the morning in Chicago chatting with my boss. She's trying to help me gain the confidence to do my confrontational, negative performance reviews and to deal with the 2 grumpy old men working on nightshift. Seriously. These guys are 55 and 63 and only see each other 1 night a week. They can't suck it up and get along for 10 hours a week??

  6. Stopping by from SITS. I would now like to bake cookies. I'm also with you on wishing you didn't know everything as an adult. Like I wish I didn't know that I have to mop my floors and pack for vacation.

  7. I absolutely LOVE your last line - so true.

    As for the seat belt buckle, I remember when my girls learned how to do that as well and I was all excited, until I heard the *click* while driving 55 mph on the expressway. Sigh.


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