Things to put things in

I have a fondness for bags.

Purses. Satchels. Totes. Backpacks. Briefcases.

If you can put things in it and carry them around, I like it.

So I naturally have a large collection of bags, satchels, totes, backpacks and even a couple briefcases and/or business attaches from back in my childfree days of monetary employment.

Every one of them fulfills a specific need, or did at the time of purchase. I admit to owning more than a few backpacks, attaches, satchels and even purses that have not been used in 5 or so years. All of them were tried out as diaper bags at some point & found wanting & never looked at again, until a laptop bag was needed, when one attaché did come out of retirement.

I have a decent sized collection of Vera Bradley purses (and wallets) that have seen a great deal of use over the past 7 years but I am less fond of fabric prints now than I once was.

This past year I have had a brief affair with leather (and it’s imitators) in search of the perfect camera bag/purse.  I like the look of the Epiphanie Bags but they are not cheap and I’m not 100% leather is for me. Let alone a dedicated camera bag that is also a purse.  I’m more of a purse that can also carry my camera sort of person. So I have experimented with cheap bags from Target, with some success.

I have 3 bags that I like to use for hauling my camera and other things around


A Vera Bradley, a Target and a nice roomy camera bag from Wicked Stitches on etsy.

All 3 share two small yet significant problems.

1. The straps are all wrong. For the first two, with the camera added, the bag is heavy and all the weight on one shoulder gets a bit much after awhile. Plus the straps are constantly sliding off my shoulder and I have to crook my arm to keep holding it. And I hate that. The Wicked Stitches one has a single strap that is long enough to be worn messenger bag style, across the chest. But it is the same slippery material  as a seat belt and never stays at the length I put it slowly growing longer and longer as I move around.

2. They are girly. As I said, with the addition of the camera the bag gets heavy & if we are out somewhere as a family I’d like to maybe pass the burden to DH for a bit. DH is willing to carry the burden, but not if it has purple paisleys, or a small floral pattern or is obviously a woman’s purse.

So I have been on a hunt for a messenger bag that is not too big (most of them are), not girly (if they are small, they are pink) and has a decent strap.

I finally came across Timbuk2 (who are not paying me a thing, nor giving me a thing, apart from an entertaining email that led to this blog post) where you can build your own bag.

I built myself a Eula tote with standard olive fabric for $50 plus shipping.

They then sent me the following email.

Thanks for picking us.  Your new bag is gonna ROCK!  
Here is your order summary email.
We suggest that you actually read it and like it because this is what you are getting and the Lucky One's address below is where we are going to send it. If you must be That Person, we can TRY our best to make changes or cancel your order.  This is only if we have had enough coffee and our warehouse hasn't. You will need to send your email to
deleted.  Remember, this is only if your order is NOT IN PRODUCTION. Once your order makes it to our production line, we can't change it for you and if it's custom, we can't take it back. Not because we don't love you; but because we already have really, really nice custom made Messenger bags from Timbuk2.  It's part of the uniform.



1 X-small Custom Eula


Now here's the part you really want to read. 
When will my order ship?
Your order is being sent to the warehouse right now.  Orders shipped US ground or international are shipped 4 - 6 days after the order is placed.  It all depends on how many orders are in line in front of yours.  If you selected an expedited shipping method like Second Day or Next Day Air, your order will ship within 1 to 2 business days.  Business means Monday through Friday and excludes most US holidays, just in case you didn't know. Now you do.  FYI custom bags do not require any additional processing time.

How long will it take my order to get to my loving, waiting arms?
Once your order ships via UPS it will take 3 to 7 business days to arrive depending on where you call home.  You can track your order on our website using your order number and clicking deleted or you can be patient and wait for UPS to send you a notification of shipment indicating that your order has left the building.  Please note that your item must ship before anyone can track it and it can take up to 48 hours for your tracking information to trickle down from UPS to our systems. 

What if I live across the pond?
International orders are shipped via UPS International Express.
Transit times average 3-5 business days for delivery.
**International Express price does not include Duty, Customs Adjustment or VAT.
Up to $75 additional charges in VAT and duties may apply upon delivery of the product.

What if I entered my email address in wrong?
Our deepest sympathies are being sent to you via UPS because you haven't read any of this.
Much Love,
Timbuk2 Designs

I loved this email. It’s the best order summary I have ever received.

Then I got my bag


It’s the perfect size


Wallet, calendar/journal, cell phone, Kindle and camera (or actually, camera  substitute as it’s impossible to photograph your own camera in a purse using your own camera). If I don’t have the camera, my Nintendo DS fits there, or a ball of yarn & crochet project. Or a hard backed book, or a water bottle.

It has an adjustable messenger style strap of a nice solid material so I can wear it across my chest or over my shoulder and it stays the same length all day long.

Brad does not find it girly & might possibly borrow it when riding his motorcycle.

Assuming I let him.

I’ve had it for 3 weeks and liked it so much I just ordered another one in dark brown canvas, so I have one to fall back on if DH takes the other.

What’s your favorite bag?


  1. you gotta love a company with a good sense of humor!

  2. I love that bag!! (I also love their email to you!) When I get my new camera I have to find a good bag to carry it and the rest of my stuff, I shall definitely check these guys out :-)

  3. OK, that email was pretty awesome.

  4. Ha haaaa... That e-mail made me laugh so hard! The bag is fabulous... pity it would work out so expensive to get one shipped over here - it looks like just the thing I would use for ever (or until it collapsed, whichever was sooner). I think you're sensible to order a second one - you never know when you might need to have a spare!

    As for the Wicked Stitches bag, with the slippy handle... Possible quick and dirty solution - wrap a thick or long elastic/rubber band round the handle, just next to the adjusting slider thing, then another one at about the mid-point, where it sits on your shoulder. This worked for me - stops the slider from sliding (!) and the bag slipping off your shoulder. Alternative, but more work - stitch a length of cotton tape fabric along the length of the strap - inside - to prevent slippage. Or buy one of those strap-cushion/cover thingies from a photographic shop, that has pimply stuff on the inside and slips over the bag strap, to sit on your shoulder - also helps to prevent it pulling and feeling uncomfortable (or steal one off your attache/briefcase/laptop bag!).

    Did you guess that I like bags too?!!

  5. I have the bright red Lola camera bag from epiphanie, and I love how it makes me feel! I also have a tamric backpack/ camera bag that is really the more useful. But not nearly as fun. For a purse, I'm in love with leather bags from Libare, a company in Berkeley, Ca. They are soft and beautiful and oh so expensive! But they last for a couple of years, and I'm completely addicted.

  6. OMG, I would order from them just because they obviously have pretty damn good customer service and *get* their customers - I'm loving that email!

    I'm one of those people who use the same purse 12 months out of the year, five years in a row or until the thing disintegrates. I am now in the market for a new one since the cheapie I bought at a farm market is falling apart - you get what you pay for, I guess.

    I am in desperate need of a camera bag, though. There are so many I like out there but they are so spendy. So I guess I'll have to look this company up!

  7. As I was reading thru the first paragraph, I was saying to myself "I so relate to her! I myself am a "baglady." Love them and have way too many. Then when I got to the part about needing a bag that your hubby can hold- I was anxious to respond about Timbuk2- how funny as I continued reading! I got a messanger bag last year and love it! congrats on your new find!

  8. I love bags and boxes and containers and things. And I call them "Things to put things in" too! I have never heard of someone else who used that phrase.

    My husband is going to be upset with me because I just opened the Timbuk2 link in another window and will be doing some shopping when I'm done here... :)

    Enjoy your new bag(s)!! :)


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