Artwork by Havoc

This one is legitimately done as an assignment


What I like are the expressions. Gulped & Appetizing both look happy.

Neither the boarder nor his landlord look particularly pleased about the payment, possibly the boarder is behind on his rent & still has not paid up.

Even the robot seems displeased by the diversity.

And Grumbling… at least he is clearly articulating his problem. He’s hungry and that guy with the hot dog (who also resembles the hot dog) is not sharing.

It’s not quite up to Havoc’s usual standards but he said those boxes are hard to fit things in.


  1. Is part of the diversity a violinist?

  2. It's hard to be box in your talent like that. I'm loving the diversity picture :)

  3. I love children interpertation of words! That is one of my favorite assignment!

  4. I love the picture for community.

  5. That's an interesting assignment. I love childrens' art.

  6. I love this assignment! Always interesting to see what a child thinks of when they see a word. The appetizing is probably my favorite because of the whole saying "You are what you eat", he clearly showed that in this picture. :o)

  7. lol, too cute. Love the robot in the diversity!

  8. I think it's pretty damn good! I would have no idea how to draw a picture of gulped or grumbling.

    I adore his diversity one!


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