November Daybook

Todays post was inspired by my friend Rinda at Gallo Organico and is taken from the Daybooking site at

I love doing occasional ‘snapshot of my life’ posts.


Outside my window is the lake my parent's’ house is on, and the water fountain the development put in for decoration. I love hearing the water falling in the distance

I am thinking that my bronchitis from October is staging a Thanksgiving comeback & I am VERY unhappy about this.

I am thankful to have two healthy parents to spend time with over the holidays. My parents are in their early 70s & I am so glad they are able to take my kids for bike rides & go fishing with them

From the kitchen there is fudge. DH made chocolate pumpkin fudge, which is chocolate fudge swirled with sweetened pumpkin puree. Texturally it is….interesting. Flavorwise though it is delicious

I am wearing capri pants and a tee shirt

I am creating a couple layouts for the creative teams I am on and a pair of crochet fingerless mittens

I am going home in a few days. 1000 miles back up I95, along with every other person on the east coast who is travelling for the holidays

I am reading Murder on the Danube Express, which is a ‘gourmet mystery’ meaning we get more elaborate & detailed descriptions of the food being eaten than of the bodies being found. It is good though & I’ll be checking the other books in the series out of the library when I get back.

I am hoping DH is still employed come the new year, and for the rest of the new year etc

I am hearing something on FOX news, my folks preferred news station, though they seem to be switching between it and a liberal leaning talk show which is doing a bit on the same topic. They like to hear all sides even though they are generally somewhat conservative, more fiscally than socially.

Around the house it is unusually neat, but my parents are tidy people to put it mildly. It’s sort of like living in house that is expecting a visit from a photographer from Gracious Living magazine at any moment. But I am used to that because they have been that way my whole life. I maintain my lazy housekeeping is a result of rebellion against the expectations of my childhood.

Yeah, that’s right. It’s my parents’ fault my house is a cluttered mess.

One of my favorite things is laying on a lounge chair on a screened in porch reading a good book

A few plans for the rest of the week – tomorrow DH & I will go out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary, which is not actually until Saturday, but we’ll be on I95 then & somehow dinner at Dennys pales in comparison to dinner at a high end Japanese restaurant.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing in honor of my upcoming anniversary.

DH & his best men. (DH is the one in the middle, he is wearing Max’s tie because he forgot to bring one)


Happy Thanksgiving to my US friends and thanks to all my readers for being a part of my life. I appreciate your comments & emails more than I can say.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Safe travels home.

  2. Snapshots are fun. Really enjoyed these starters. How do those women keep their houses clean anyway???

  3. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Lounging with a good book is a great activity :) Definately one of my favorites also. Happy Anniversary. ~Alana~

  5. Fun post! And what a neat pic - slap a title over it and I think you have a movie poster! ;)


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