
I really don’t know why I make cookies before Christmas. The only people around are us and while I certainly think we should have cookies, perhaps it would be best to have fewer cookies. Or to just wait until after Christmas. I end up having to make twice as many cookies now.

We have a big party on new year’s eve every year, ‘big’ being a relative term of course. Anywhere from 6 adults and 7 kids to 10 adults and 7 kids. Plenty of people to spread the cookie calories around.

I made these Friday


Cocoa peppermint cookies.

There was one left when I went to get one Monday.

The boys and I made these Sunday


Gingerbread cookies. Trees, stockings, gingerbread men, dinos  & storm troopers.

Cuz that’s how we roll.

Maybe a quarter of them are left

I also made these Saturday


Peppermint bark crackers.  About half these are still around because I am the only real fan of peppermint bark in the house. Oh DH will eat them & now that the cocoa cookies are gone he is focused on them but they are low on his cookie list.

Friday my friend Mel & I are getting together with the kids to decorate sugar cookies, which is something of a tradition now. The kids only decorate the cookies. Mel & I are a both bit OCD about cutting out the cookies, getting the most cookies cut per rolled out round of dough is something of an obsession & small kids who don’t put the cutters close together or worse – press the cutters into already CUT dough – drive us bonkers. So we send the kids down to their den to play Wii while we roll out & bake the cookies and then mix up icing & call the kids up to decorate when the cookies are cool enough.

Last year we made so many cookies we each had 4 dozen to take home.

I need to make more of the cocoa peppermint cookies for the party.

But I want some now..

But if I make them now I will end up making a 3rd batch on the 30th because we will have eaten them all.

And I have to make chocolate truffles & buckeyes for the party as well, but they will wait until the 29th.

Maybe the 30th.

Or it might be best to make them the actual day of the party, just to make sure some are left.


Now I am hungry.


  1. Uh, hello? You do realize that it's an affront to humanity to post the words "cocoa peppermint cookies" WITHOUT a recipe?

  2. You should make those truffles I had on my blog! I gave them to my neighbors and already two of the five on my street want the recipe or more. One guy actually just asked for more. WTF??

  3. actually it's the recipe from your blog I am using :)

  4. First whack the bejeezus out of some candy canes, but not too much bejeezus because you want more small parts than dust, though you want dust. Sift out the dust & set aside about a quarter cup.
    Then cream
    1/2 C unsalted butter, softened
    mix in
    1 C packed brown sugar
    until fluffy, then add
    2/3 C unsweetened cocoa powder (I like Hershey's Special Dark)
    1 Tbsp instant coffee crystals
    1 tsp baking soda
    1/2 tsp cinnamon
    1/4c peppermint powder
    mix really well, then add
    2 egg whites
    and slowly add
    1 1/2 C flour
    Chill in the fridge for an hour.
    Preheat oven to 350. Form into one inch balls & flatten slightly. Dip one side into peppemint pieces, leave some space, they spread a bit but not too much.
    Bake 7-9 minutes, erring on the shorter side, until the edges are firm. Cool on tray for 3 minutes & then move to a rack.
    For an added touch you can sprinkle raw sugar on the cookies right when they come out of the oven

  5. The Boy is too young to understand leaving cookies for Santa, but yet I still want to make up a batch of sugar cookies! Having sweets around our house is dangerous because Gadget Guy will eat them because they are there.

  6. Can I come live with you??? I want deliciousness to eat without having to make it. I swear I'll even voluntarily clean the kitchen after you bake.

  7. Now I'M hungry!! They all look delicious.... And you have a storm trooper cutter?!?! Jealous!!


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