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New look for the blog!

I decided on a whim that I wanted tabs under my header Tuesday but Good Lord the HTML involved in that! Especially since I had pretty much created my blog template from scratch 3 years ago and have just done a bit of fiddling with the colors & things since then.

I didn’t even understand my own code anymore & after a couple hours of googling, trying to sort out what the hell I had done back then I gave up on adapting tabs to it and tweeked the heck out of one of Blogger’s templates instead.

Then I had to change the color scheme of all my widgets.

Then, since I was being all chang-y anyway I had to make some social icon thingys for some of my links. They are over there in the upper right.

I still have to update my labels..tags..whatever you call them but from a purely decorative standpoint I’m done.

What do you think?

Check back tomorrow for the horrors lurking in the pantry!

PS. Disqus has apparently been having some server issues the past week or so and it may or may not be the cause of the random vanishing comment box. I've contacted their support group about it & hopefully they'll get it sorted soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.


  1. I like the new look a lot. MUCH cleaner than your previous one.

    (One comment though: the "Technology Hates Me" tab? That page would be better with actual hyperlinks instead of just static urls.)

  2. Yeah, blogger was being a PITA late last night when I published that page. It should look like the others, with text as well. I left it so I don't have to find the links again today. :)

  3. I like the tags. I wanted to make mine like that, but it's a real pain to do... I will get time one day - the same time I make a new "stretch" template also!

    Nice makeover - looks smart and clean.


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