Weekly Winners

I am a digital scrap booker. My digital ‘home’ is www.sweetshoppedesigns.com. They run a series of challenges every month. A new one this year is 12 on the 12th, where you take 12 photos on the 12th of the month & then scrap them. This works well with my own 12x12 2011 Project. These are some of the photos I took on the 12th.

I have coffee & Cheerios for breakfast 98% of the time. I prefer to think of it as regularity of breakfast instead of monotony of breakfast


My cross stitch project is finally nearing completion


There was laundry


Havoc & I played mancala


And Mayhem helped the Lego battle fleet invade my desk


For more Weekly Winners please visit Lotus at Sarcastic Mom.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I'm also a [mostly] digi scrapper. My favorite sites are Designer Digitals (home of Ali Edwards and Cathy Zielski) and Scrapbookgraphics. But I LOVE Krystal Hartley over at Sweet Shoppe - Knew her before she became a designer.

  2. I haven't the slightest clue how to play mancala...but I love that picture!!! And yay for finished cross stitch!! I currently have one sitting close by that I started many years ago and just left to rot. Well, not rot, but unfinished. Anyway, getting off the subject...I love this series this week!

  3. i like regularity too! love the lego shop and we should totally scrape book laundry---- it als=most takes up as much time as the kids!

  4. My boys loved those legos. Hours and hours of good family time. I miss those days! My boys are now 19 and 24!

  5. Lego is such a win!!!! Love it!

    Love the laundry shot - its the story my life!

  6. I liked the mancala shot too. The green stones really stand out.

  7. Great set! I love the first shot. =)

  8. The mancala shot is my favorite of them all, with its colors and focus. LOVE the 12 on the 12th idea! I might have to do that just on my own for giggles!

  9. i LOVE mancala! i haven't played that in years! :) great shots!

  10. I love the first and last shots the most. I haven't had Cheerios in forever!


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