Monday Meanderings

The tower? Still up, but preparations for the replacement pole installation have begun. I’m considering sabotaging it during the night. I think God is inspiring me to do so. Friday I had to make a trip to Target to get the boys more underwear & socks. They wear the same size socks & underwear. I don’t mind them pulling socks from a pile at random but the idea of interchangeable underwear bothers me. So I made an executive decision without consulting the minions. As of now & for as long as I am responsible for the purchasing & washing of their underwear - Havoc wears briefs and Mayhem wears boxer briefs. Their wives and/or girlfriends can make whatever changes they wish once they take over those responsibilities. Saturday we received a state refund check for $258! Yay! Sunday the water heater died and will cost $252 to replace Booooo! Also Saturday we made a trip to a local salvage/junk yard. Some photos are on my previous post. We’re building a mud...