weekly winners

We had a snow day this week and the boys dragged out the Thomas trains for the first time in a couple years.


They put together a big track


Everyone helped


But diesel 10 was unimpressed with the Jedi’s efforts


For more weekly winners please visit Lotus at Sarcastic Mom

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  1. Excellent! We have Thomas trains too - a wooden set, like the Brio railways, with Thomas railway engines, including Thomas, Percy, Diesel 10, Lady and others. J. had a load of little die-cast engines too, which now live in a basket in the loft.
    Looks as if everyone had a great time!

  2. That is a GREAT series of pictures! :) Looks like fun! I've always enjoyed the random snow day but here in Oklahoma we've been snowed in for 2 weeks and I'm ready for Spring! :)

  3. LOL. Silly Jedi's. As always, your toy stories bring such a smile to my face :)

  4. Sounds like the perfect snowy day fun.

  5. Great shots, and as always, cracking me up. Also, is it really true that they will stop playing with Thomas trains for years at a time? WHAT IS THIS STRANGE PHENOMENON YOU SPEAK OF? Heh.

  6. i love the story you created....sounds like a perfect snow day!

  7. Very cool group effort :) That train track looks awesome!

  8. We're knee-deep in Thomas (and now Chuggington) trains right now at our house. Glad to know the investment will last a while! :-)


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