Just putting it out there

I have a deep, abiding love for things to put things in.

I adore purses, backpacks, satchels, briefcases and messenger bags. I even like clutches though I find them useless as a portable accessory. There are great for storage but a PITA when you are out & about. I need my hands free.

So when I found this at ThinkGeek.com my inner role player was in heaven

It’s a Bag of Holding!

It’s bigger on the inside!

It apparently can hold a 17” laptop even though it is only 16” long.

*I* have a 17” laptop!

It can also hold a large 3-ring binder, two college textbooks, two paperback books, Amazon Kindle, iPod, cellphone, cables, pencils, business cards, and spare batteries all at the same time.

*I* have all those things!

Granted I never carry the college textbooks because I finished my MA in 1992 but at any minute I could need to carry them. You never know when Applied Sociology vol 3 1990 Revised Ed & The History of Old English might be needed.

Probably it would be a better travel bag than day to day purse I admit, though there are times when it would be a good day to day purse.  True, less so now that I don’t have to carry diapers, wipes, sippy cups, goldfish crackers & changes of clothes. But! My camera stuff would fit wonderfully in there & could easily take the place of the textbooks.

I think it would make an awesome Valentine’s Day present. Or for St Patrick’s Day. Or the Vernal Equinox

Just saying.

And no…nobody is paying me to say it.


  1. But can that possibly be better than the Lego Satchel?!

  2. I LOVE Thinkgeek. I just wish they didn't make it so damn expensive to ship to Canada (they use DHL, who charges like $15-$20 for "service charges" when they have to pay duty at the border before shipping to me).

  3. In appearance, no. The Lego bag is way cooler. But for sheer volume of stuff held, this bag does win.

  4. Oh wow! is duty really that much?

  5. No. Duty (which in many cases is just sales taxes) is around 13%. I bought a $50 item, so my charges were a little over $6, but then the shipper charged me like $20 to pay the duties at the border and invoice me. So, instead of $6 (reasonable) it came to $26 (half the item cost).

  6. Stopping by from SITS. I have a bag obsession too. Bags are WAY cooler than shoes, in my opinion.

  7. That looks pretty damn cool - I wonder if you can fit a dslr in it in a pinch?

  8. Um.. buy it! Do it. DO IT.

  9. I love having a bag that will hold everything. Looks like that one is made for you!

  10. Oh yeah, bags rock! I'm not much into shoes

  11. Oh certainly. If you look at the link they have customer photos of all the stuff people fit into it. I think the third compartment would hold my D40 & two lenses nicely if I bought an insert for it from Amason

  12. HA! I feel the same way!! lol I collect tote bags and duffle bags and backpacks and purses. I too love the look of a clutch but find them totally useless--they don't hold enough for me! lol will be back! :)

  13. OMG! A bag of holding is SO freakin' valuable, RPG or not! Great find! I'm a bag person, anything that will hold and store, and sometimes look nice. I'm VERY lucky that The Hubs just recently got a job at a company that manufactures and sells bags, purses and baskets. I'm in freaking Heaven! :)

  14. Oh yes, love stuff to put stuff into :-) Now I have a new camera I need a bigger bag; I got one which was a good size (and it does fit a lot of stuff, including the new camera) but, oh! I hanker over a *lovely* bigger bag...


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