funny stuff

I’ve mentioned before that I am on pinterest, where I often have hours and hours of my day sucked away by browsing the wonderful stuff. I pin crafty things & geeky things & food things & also wordy things & I feel the need to share today

(ok, I admit, I am phoning this post in really but they are funny)

and finally

We’ve got some family stuff going on & my mind isn’t on blogging much at the moment, I can’t give too many details right now but if you all could keep DH’s brother & his family in your thoughts & prayers I’d really appreciate it.


  1. I'd like to join Pinterest but I think I need an invite, right?

    Thinking good thoughts for your family, Stacey - hope everything is OK.

  2. So cool! thanks for sharing. I don't dare join Pinterest - I'd spend all day there and get absolutely nothing done (rather than the current state of getting almost nothing done!).

  3. Sending prayers to your family. Love Pinterest and your pics!

  4. love these posters you've shared! hope things sort themselves out for your family soon.

  5. Oh Stacey, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope everything's well on the way to being OK now xx

    I love the posters/cards you've shared - I have a mug with a sentiment very similar to the first one; I keep it at work where it seems to fit best!

  6. Will definitely keep you all in my thoughts!


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