Scrapbook Saturday

I’ve not been feeling the scrapping mojo much this month but I did manage to get these two done this week from prompts for shimelle’s Blogging for Scrapbookers class.


The little tags read “$60 spent for domain name” ($10 a year) and “including Iran, Egypt & Nigeria” (they were the countries that made me go “really?”)


The journaling is about how I am struggling with not taking photos everyday & considering restarting it for my birthday


  1. Hi Stacey, thanks so much for stopping by my blog and your kind comments! You have a great blog! And I am totally with you about taking photos; all or nothing is actually my middle name (oh and my birthday is in July too!). Great LO's, you can add Dubai as a visitor now, LOL!

  2. You may not feel the scrapping mojo, but you ARE indeed very creative! I especially love the second one, awesome!

  3. I'm not in my scrapbook mojo either. I need to be because I just got 350 pictures printed. :/

  4. These are both great. I was looking at my blogger statistics the other day, and I was surprised by the countries where I get hits from.

  5. What do you use to make your scrapbook pages?

  6. I am impressed that you have made layouts for the class at all! Sadly, too many of my 'voices' have prevented me from creating much at all this week ... perhaps there may be a chance later tonight! :-)

  7. I don't scrapbook but I am a crafter. I love your scrapbooks and may be inspired to start one!
    Great post.

  8. Great layouts, Stacey :-) Really interesting to read your stats! I've been getting lots of visits from Taiwan lately, I have no idea who it is....

  9. yay a new country! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. I've got 200 I need to put into a photo album but just am not feeling the desire

  11. I use Paint Shop Pro X2 for my scrapping. I've been with PSP since version 5 back in 2001. Most people use Photo Shop Elements or Photo Shop CS though. They are largely similar with a few specific differences

  12. Yeah, Martha does not consider scrapping to be 'creative' enough so she is always distracting me with home decor projects.


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