Weekly Winners - Air & Space edition

The boys’ Cub Scout pack did a day trip over to the Air & Space Museum in Dulles, VA. (4 hours in a car total. I deserve a badge myself) It’s an extension of the one on the Mall in DC. It’s not as big but stuffed full of planes.

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This Is a Benoist-Korn Type XII. It was built in May 1912. It is a two place biplane.

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This is a WWII bomber. I failed to note the specs of it – like the model name.

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This is a B29 Super fortress. Specifically, this is the Enola Gay.

My MIL riveted the mid sections of B29s at a factory in Maryland or possibly NJ in WWII. (MIL worked in three different aircraft factories during the war)

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and this is the Space Shuttle Enterprise, so ringed around with other, earlier space craft that I could not get the angle I wanted for a photo of it.

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And Mayhem got a chance to work the controls of a Cessna.

For more Weekly Winners please visit Lotus at Sarcastic Mom.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. My boyfriend and son would have loved this - my bf works with planes all day :) He is in aviation insurance - its our life now :)

  2. Very cool! Love the framing on the second to last with the window in the background drawing the eye through the pic.

  3. Boys are the same the world over ~ we took DS to the RAF Museum at Hendon on Friday and he loved it!

  4. My son is almost 18yo and he still enjoys the Naval Air Museum at NAS Pensacola. We been to this museum too. Wonderful shots.

  5. Very cool! The Enola Gay!!!
    Also, my dad worked on the Space Shuttle, so I always love to see tht.

  6. Looks like you had fun! I love that last one, he seems to enjoy himself!

  7. Woah, that does look incredibly cool and fun, and yes you do deserve a medal indeed!

  8. Dude, that looks like so much fun! Love the shot of the WWII bomber.

  9. Great pictures; what a great activity :)

  10. Yeah, why don't the parents get badges???

  11. My two sons are adults now but we all enjoy sitting around the family photo albums looking at outings like these. Back in the day - no computers to keep photos on lol. Your photos make me very nostalgic.
    Regards, Mari

  12. Wow, such a neat day trip. I bet those boys loved it! I was a Scout Leader years ago. Fun times and yes you deserve a badge for that drive!

  13. Oh wow! What gorgeous shots!!

  14. My boys would have loved to go there, especially our 4yr old. He just loves planes!

    (And yes, you do deserve a medal.)

  15. You got some really awesome pictures! And, yes, you do deserve a badge! We really enjoy going to the air and space museum. Haven't been in a while, though. Thanks for the reminder!

  16. WOW!! So cool! LOVE the space shuttle shot. The framing is perfect.

  17. It seems as though a few of us have had weekends involving larger than normal groups of young children .... hope you recovered! My boy would love it here, he is actually building his first model plane with his Dad on the weekends, keeps them out of my hair anyway! ;-)


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