Monday Meanders

I had some happy news last week.

I got a spot on Penny Springman’s creative team!  She sells at Sweet Shoppe Designs & her own store My Digital Stash.  I’ll be doing tutorial posts for PSP & Lightroom on her blog starting in June. I also get to play with her stuff.


I did this for an SSD challenge using Penny’s new kit Smile, Sunshine.

I did a bunch of layouts this weekend as well, while waiting for the Rapture to come so I could go loot Target’s camera area.

Looting & pillaging are on my Bucket List you see.

But Jesus never showed up so I didn’t get a new Nikon.

Guess I’ll continue saving my pennies.  It’ll give me more time to dither over which model I want, rather than just grabbing whatever was in stock.

I was going to grab a bunch of books too because I have NOTHING to read. 

Do you ever get like that? There is a stack of new books from the library on your nightstand & while they seemed interesting when you chose them, you now wonder what the heck you were thinking?  Normally I can find something in the house to reread but there is nothing.

DH is all “There are 1000 books in this house! There is something to read!” and I’m all “No there isn’t. I need to buy something for the Kindle”. But all the somewhat interesting to me Kindle books are more than $5, which is my cut off price for new to me authors.  The ones that are under $5 currently don’t interest me.

So there is NOTHING to read on Amazon either!

There is also NOTHING to eat in the house & I am thinking maybe what I need to get are some new cookbooks thus giving me something to read & ideas for something to eat at the same time.

What is your favorite cookbook? Or cooking website? I love Tasty Kitchen & AllRecipes.


  1. Congratulations on the assignment.  I'm wondering if you also have NOTHING to wear?!
    Favourite cookbook is an old one (30 years old ?) from Good Housekeeping - it has a picture index so I know what each and every meal should look like.

  2.  I so get like that with books too!  I'm terrible and just go and buy new ones!

    I like for new recipes, although it helps if you have one of the ingredients in mind then do a search for it. Hope it helps!


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