Words on Wednesday


My latest manicure. Inspired by Pinterest. I have a board of different manicure photos.

You Tube has a bunch of videos on how to do water manicures or water swirled manicures. I’d explain but seeing it written down is a detriment. It sounds so much more complicated than it is.

Basically polish colors are dropped in water, swirled around & then you dip a nail in them.  There is more to it that that but with a bit of practice it really is fairly easy.

Remember, I am basically lazy. I’m not going to make too much of an effort for anything. So if I can do it, you can do it.


  1. omgosh, those are beautiful! I will never be able to sport such pretty nails as I have bitten mine since I was four. I pretty much don't show my fingers to anyone and everyone around here probably thinks my hands were amputated at the wrist.

  2.  So awesome!!!  My daughter will love this idea.  The funny thing is that I've made ATC backgrounds with that technique but never thought about using it for nails! LOL!

  3. Ur nails are beautiful.....and I am going to remember your closing line and have a go when I get home :)

  4.  Cool nails!
    Alison xx

  5. Gorgeous nails - must show these to DD

  6.  Wow, they are gorgeous, I am going with being highly impressed and that it is way difficult :)

  7. Do you dip your whole finger in there or do you use false nails?  

  8.  thank you! I hope it worked for you.

  9.  I dip my whole finger. I put 3 pieces of scotch tape on my skin around my nail & then set up the swirl & dip. You could do it with false nails too but I don't use them.

  10.  Fab nails!  I can do polka dots or stripes on mine but thats about it!


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