Love this email

Better World Books is now one of my favorite online shops, right up there with Timbuk2.

Remember the Timbuk2 order email I received?

I loved that email. Loved the fun casual tone of it.

Over the weekend I ordered a few used books from Better World and today I received this shipping notification:

Hello S,

(Your book(s) asked to write you a personal note - it seemed unusual, but who are we to say no?)

Holy canasta! It's me... it's me! I can't believe it is actually me! You could have picked any of over 2 million books but you picked me! I've got to get packed! How is the weather where you live? Will I need a dust jacket? I can't believe I'm leaving Mishawaka, Indiana already - the friendly people, the Hummer plant, the Linebacker Lounge - so many memories. I don't have much time to say goodbye to everyone, but it's time to see the world!

I can't wait to meet you! You sound like such a well read person. Although, I have to say, it sure has taken you a while! I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but how would you like to spend five months sandwiched between Jane Eyre (drama queen) and Fundamentals of Thermodynamics (pyromaniac)? At least Jane was an upgrade from that stupid book on brewing beer. How many times did the ol' brewmaster have one too many and topple off our shelf at 2am?

I know the trip to meet you will be long and fraught with peril, but after the close calls I've had, I'm ready for anything (besides, some of my best friends are suspense novels). Just five months ago, I thought I was a goner. My owner was moving and couldn't take me with her. I was sure I was landfill bait until I ended up in a Better World Books book drive bin. Thanks to your socially conscious book shopping, I've found a new home. Even better, your book buying dollars are helping kids read from Brazil to Botswana.

But hey, enough about me, I've been asked to brief you on a few things:

We provide quick shipping service to all our customers. You chose Standard shipping. It should arrive in 6 to 9 business days. Tracking is not available on these shipments.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email my friends in Customer Care at If you could please include your order number  that would be very helpful.

Eagerly awaiting our meeting,

Folly du Jour

The Last Kashmiri Rose

The Damascened Blade: The Third Novel Featuring Detective Joe Sandilands (Joe Sandilands Mysteries)

How can you not love that? Not only do they raise money for literacy & libraries world wide, they have a sense of humor.

I appreciate a little quirkiness in my day & it’s so much better when it’s from an unexpected source.

***do I really need to say no one is paying or subsidizing this post? Nobody ever pays me jack for anything I post here. In fact, lets just go with a general disclaimer applicable to all posts from this point forward:

Unless I say I got something for saying something, I didn’t get anything for saying anything.


  1. That email was pretty funny.  Better than the monkey jokes at Thinkgeek.

  2. What a great idea..both the way of buying book AND the email!
    Alison xx

  3. OMG that was great!  I love companies that have fun like that!! TFS!

  4. Absolutely hilarious!! Fab! I would have a look at their books just because of that e-mail. Do they ship to the UK??? :D

  5. No one ever pays me for anything I say either.

  6. That's awesome! I'd love to get an email like that.

  7. I love companies that have a human touch like that. I was tickled the other day when I had an email where the header said "Your order has shipped. Yay!" How could you not love that?

  8. How fun is that? Sounds like a fun company to work for. (and I love your disclaimer at the end)


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