my weekend

Saturday I spread out the gravel for the pool area while DH was off on the tractor buying a backhoe attachment from a guy a mile or so away. Havoc was in ecstacy when DH came back with the backhoe on the tractor. We hadn't told him about it so he was really surprised. "My backhoe tractor!!! My backhoe tractor!! You got me my backhoe tractor that i've always wanted!! Fank you Daddy Fank you!!!!" Then it rained before DH was able to do more than make a couple test digs with Havoc on his lap. But it was enough. Later we went to a cookout that was hosted by the preschool Havoc will be attending in the fall. Havoc is in a shy & fearful phase right now, make worse by the fact that he has always been a bit shy & reluctant to try new things. So he stuck by us most of the time & wouldn't not go on any of the rides, but he did pet the animals & watched the (very LOUD) puppet show. The food was ok.

Sunday I slept in until 9am. That was it for my Mother's Day celebration. We did some work around the yard in the morning, not much though since it rained all day. I had my bi-monthly meeting in the afternoon & then DH had to go interview someone who apparently could only meet him at 6pm on Mother's Day. ::Rollseyes:: He got home just in time for storytime. I loaded "Kitchen Confidential" by Anthony Bourdaine on my iPod & went to bed.


  1. Stacey - Did you enjoy your day? I can't tell by your posts today but I hope you did! Ohhh guess what... I planned my meals for alst week and it was good! we had food every night that wasn't a surprise.

  2. It was an ok day. I was a bit annoyed by Brad having to do that interview because I was hoping to go out to dinner, but I enjoyed the day for the most part

  3. You're so organized, doing your menus two weeks ahead. I used to have a friend who did that every week--said without the menus, she didn't know what to get at the grocery store. Sounds like a great idea. Not sure the Chief would go along with it, but it's worth a try.

    What's "Kitchen Confidential"?

  4. Man, bummer day. At least you got to sleep in. Make your dh take you out this week. Make the person he interviewed pay for it. 6PM on a Sunday night, I don't think so, Buddy!

  5. No fair! I've wanted to drive a backhoe for years but 1)I don't have one 2)I don't know anyone with one 3)I have no idea how to drive one! Oh well, that's what dreams are made for!

  6. They do owe you a Mother's Day meal out, don't they? LOL


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