This is my computer area. We have an L shaped family room. The computer is in the far corner of the short end of the L. The TV is in the corner where the 2 sides meet and our chairs, bookcase & the loathed sofa are in the long end of the L. The long end also has a sliding glass window on one side & a wood stove in the left top corner. If you go straight out the bottom of the L, you enter the kitchen.

There is a gate around the area to keep the toddlers out. Havoc calls it "Mommy's office" though DH occasionally sets his laptop up on the dresser. Everything in the area is 'temporary' and 'will do for now'. Including the desk. The desk belonged to the same friend who gave us the sofa & my feelings for the desk are similar to my feelings for the sofa. It is inadequate to the task. The desk is from the late 1940's when people and chairs apparently were much narrower than they are today. No chair with arms, currently in existence, will fit in that tiny opening area. Meaning I can either have a chair that gives me arm support or I can have a chair that gets in close enough for me to type comfortably, but not both. The shelving next to the desk is a walmart special. I like the shelving, but something a little less 'garage storage' and a bit more 'family room' looking would be nice. I have a lot of peripherals - printer, scanner, wacom, wireless router & big surge protecting multi plug, plus the CPU itself. So the shelves are a real necessity. I like to have everything handy. There is a little stack of rigged up shelving between the walmart special shelves and the dresser (also a gift from the owner of the sofa. I like it & as soon as I can figure out how to paint or otherwise resurface it, I will love the dresser.) The rigged shelving is made of a night stand, a serving tray and a couple wire cabinet shelves. It holds all my notes, my bills, the lessons & tutorials I have printed out & all the CDs & DVDs. The dresser holds little used, but needs to stay out of small hands, stuff.

I like having the PC in the family room. I can scrap & keep an eye on the boys, or chat with DH. We like having everyone in the same area, even if they are doing different things. DH says he is going to build me an L shaped desk to fit in that corner & that it will have built in shelves on each side going over the top of the desk. He is going to use the existing desk as a base. It'll be interesting to see how that turns out.


  1. My dh would call your area the Command Console! That is quite a set up! Don't you love those temporary things that stick around for years? Ugh. I feel ya on the chair too. Our desk is big enough, but the corner I'm crammed into is too small, I wouldn't be able to turn the chair.

    Now the L shaped desk your dh is going to build, that sounds awesome! Can't wait to see pictures, someday!

  2. LOL Stacey, your comments on your temporary space made me laugh! LOVE that fence to keep the toddlers out, I'm guessing if that fence wasn't there, the space would be even more temporary!!! Great post - loved seeing your pic too :)

  3. I loved reading about a chair that serves one purpose or another but not both. It made me laugh. I like the idea of all of you together in one room.

  4. I don't know if my eyes were bad or I just couldn't see it on the laptop, but now that I'm using my regular computer I've actually found where to comment on your blog! I have been reading your blog for a while and wanted to comment so bad on stuff, but couldn't see where to do it...LoL! I don't think one can become colorblind without already having it, so I guess I'll attribute it to old age and bad eyesight. :)

    I love your gate around your workspace. We used to have one like that, but my son literally broke it in half. He's a bit on the destructive side at times.

  5. We're hoping to do the L-shaped rework of space sometime too! It's funny how long you can manage with something that's "temporary" :o)

  6. About that dresser, try some kilz primer and then you can paint just about anything on top. I painted a faux marble finish on top of bright pink formica in one of our bathroom and it has lasted well...even without the sealer I bought to go on top STILL underneath the!


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