serious illness

I've been blessed, there have been very few serious illnesses among my family & friends. The worst illness I have ever had hit me about 7 weeks after DS2 was born. It started as a cold. Just a slight cold, but then I had to go into the hospital to have my gall bladder out. While I was there I must have picked up something because three days after the surgery I had bronchitis & walking pneumonia. I also had anemia from blood loss during DS2s birth & my immune system was weak. The pneumonia cleared up after a week but the bronchitis lingered, and lingered and lingered. I'd feel better for a week or so & then be floored again with coughing, an inability to breathe deeply, chest congestion, & fever, for couple weeks. I couldn't sleep, which made things worse. Nothing seemed to stop it. Various meds would work briefly but it would come back. My doctor kept insisting I needed plenty of rest to let my body recover. I had a newborn & a 1.5 year old. No family nearby & none that could come & take over for a week or so. DH had used up his sick leave after DS2s birth & the gall bladder thing. I couldn't just spend a week in bed recovering. So I didn't recover. The bronchitis lingered until well into November. I was on another round of meds when we went to Florida to see my folks for a week. They were super mega meds. Between them & a week where others could do things for the boys, I finally recovered.

It depresses me. DS2s whole first year of life is mostly remembered by me as a miserable time for me. What I can remember of it. Illness & lack of sleep blur everything. When I think abut 2004 I remember DS2 birth & first couple of weeks. I remember the gall bladder surgery & then it's just a blur of feeling miserable. DH & I were stressed & tense with one another. I was so tired all the time. And the boys were growing up. Certain things stand out & I can look at photos & remember moments, but overall nearly that whole year is fog.


  1. What a horrible time to come down with bronchitis. I am glad that you were finally able to get rid of it though.

  2. Ok, I don't remember much from after my daughter's birth and I was healthy!! That first year of your second child (especially when the two are so close in age) is not fun anyway you look at it.

    Yours sounds even EXTRA hard. It sucks not having family near by to help out when you need it.

  3. How awful for you! But luckily it was something you got over!!

  4. That sounds awful Stacey. I know in 2004 for first month of my sons life, I really only remember sitting in NICU and crying a lot.

  5. I know there is no relief for young mothers who are sick. Hubbys are OK, but they DO have jobs. You needed your mom. So glad you finally did get to go visit.

  6. Oh Stacey, my heart goes out to you. I'm sorry that year was so terrible. Maybe when things get tough now, you can remember that bleak time, and be thankful you don't have to go through that again. You have such amazing strength that you truly inspire me to be a better person!

  7. (((hugs))) That is awful- as if you aren't feeling lousy enough after giving birth. And I KWYM about the first year a fog. I had Postpartum Dep. after #2 and to this day, I rmemeber so little of her first year. I was getting clothes ready for a garage sale once, and it was like I had never seen them before. Thankfully, the kids don't remember it at all.

  8. Shame that is awful being sick for so long. How draining. I had very bad PND with my first child and his first 8 months were a misery for me too. That is a sickness in itself. I am glad that is wasn't permanent (for you i mean)

  9. What a dreadful time you had Stacey. I guess you know now if you survived that you can survive anything!


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