
There is a new coffee shop in town! Called Raven something or other on Davis. Odd. For a long time there was no place to get coffee. I've lived here 12 years and for about 7 of them there were no coffee places. Then there was a short lived one. Then there was the drive up Gusta Vita & the Cameron Street one for awhile. Then Cameron closed. Then, not 1 but 2! Starbucks opened. One in Target and one across the street from it, with a drive thru. And there is one opening in the little plaza at the 3 & 15 intersection and I believe there is one somewhere on Main as well. And now this one Davis. Plus a tea shoppe. Proof positive of the spectacular growth of this county, assuming the vast new housing tracts were not enough to convince anyone.

I'm almost afraid to write about this because I always jinx it, but .... today and yesterday Mayhem not only pooped in the potty, he told me himself that he needed to go and did not ask for a diaper but just that I come sit with him in the bathroom. We'll see what happens next.

Havoc is #6 on the wait list for pre-K at public school. 6 is not too bad. Odds are good of 6 people dropping out by September, especially given there are morning & afternoon session. I can see people dropping out because they didn't get their preferred session. I don't care which session he is in, I suspect it will end up being the afternoon one, given nearly everyones preference for morning sessions. Morning would be more fitting with our current routine but afternoon has it's points too.

Signs that it is summer.... the kiddie pool is up, naked little boys are running around the yard in the sun and tonight is the first 'yard camp' of the season. We got the boys a little junior tent on Wednesday, mostly as a playhouse & set it up, but it is an actual tent and Havoc has been asking to sleep in it. Brad set up his one man tent next to it (it's only 65" long, I can't really lay straight in it) and they are all sleeping outside tonight. So far. We'll see how it goes. They did this last summer a few times but with everyone sleeping together in our big tent. I'm no sure one or both of them won't wake up in the middle of the night and be really scared if Daddy isn't in sight.


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