Blessed Samhain!



Do the ghosts look worried to you?

Havoc is off at school in is PJs for their party. Mayhem keeps changing his mind about what he wants to wear for his class party. He is currently insisting on a skeleton. He's going as either a pirate or a bandit because that is the costume we have. These last minute changes just don't work around here.

We haven't decided whether to do trunk or treat tonight at one of the churches in the town or wait until tomorrow and do the one at the county high school. We'll do silent supper on whichever evening we don't trick or treat. Tomorrow is the school fall carnival. Apparently they are going to have a forest of bounce houses for the kids and lots of food and crafts. I suspect I am not going to be very interested in doing ToT tomorrow after that.

I finally got my CT stuff downloaded.  Be sure to check out SSD and CGEssentials for DSD tomorrow. They have some great stuff coming out.


  1. What is silent supper? THat kind of sounds heavenly to me.....

  2. That first pic reminds me of the Island of Misfit Toys - LOL. Sounds like this is one busy weekend for you - have fun!

  3. Silent supper? I haven't had one of those in... well I never had one of those. What is it? Happy Halloween!

  4. Sounds like a busy but fun weekend!

  5. very cute. it does sound like a busy weekend. we have monday and tues off of school, so i am in no hurry to get too much done around here.

    yes, please tell us about silent supper!

  6. The ghosties totally look worried, like uh, guys, uh, are those dinosaurs behind us.

  7. What is a trunk or treat?

    Halloween is becoming very popular here -- had over 100 trick or treaters last night. A record.

  8. OMG way too cute! You crack me up! Can't wait to hear what you chose.

  9. Funny pictures!!
    Hope ya'll had a great time whatever you chose to do!

  10. Those are some funny pics! Our local church was having trunk or treat too but I had no clue what it was!!!

  11. Very funny pics! Good luck on the camera!

  12. i am seriously LOL at the pictures. I LOVE it. We did trunk or treat here it was a blast!

  13. I think the ghosts are definitely worried. I haven't said this before, but I am very interested in hearing my about your faith, just out of curiosity.


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