I have one heck of a husband

I just recently spent $400 on a new camera.

The camera did not come with a bag & it needs a bag.  I'm sure we'd all agree that you don't just toss a $400 camera on the seat of your car and go.

You put it in a camera bag first, then toss it on the seat.

The bag should have various pockets inside and out for holding cords and other lenses. It should be sturdy & well padded. And it should be cute.  A $15 pleathor bag from Wal Mart will not do, unless you are very crafty and can make a slipcover to go over it.

So off to Etsy I went in search of a cute camera bag of the right size. I was a bit startled by the prices but after looking at bags in Wal Mart and thinking about just how I would sew fabric to it and how long it would actually take and how much fabric I would go through before I was finished because me & scissors do not get along & I'd be sure to botch the cutting at least once, I decided that while I can't spend $90 on a bag, $60 was reasonable.

I explained this to DH. This is where he came through as a man in a million.

It would have been entirely reasonable for him to go into the bedroom closet and say "You need to buy a WHAT?" while looking at the dozens of tote bags, purses, backpacks, briefcases and insulated cooler packs on the closet shelves. I have a bit of a *thing* for things to put things in. I have many many things to put things in. I have a half dozen straight up backpacks, each with different pocket configurations. I have 4 very nice leather briefcase bags, most of which can hold a laptop, but that doesn't stop me from owning 2 laptop bags as well. I have about 8 sturdy canvas totes, 5 insulated cooler packs in various sizes, a huge beach bag, a picnic basket and more purses that I am willing to admit to. (I will admit 90% of them were purchased when I was childfree and employed)

So, exclamations about how if there is one thing I really do NOT need, it is another bag, would be justified from him.

But no.

He says "You should get the right bag for the task honey, just nothing too floral in case I need to carry it sometime."

Isn't he the best?


  1. oh how i LOVE things to put things in, too! since i've picked up knitting, i have found yet ANOTHER reason to have even more things to put things in!

    good man, your husband.

  2. What a guy! I love how you say "I have a bit of a *thing* for things to put things in." That's gotta be a woman-thing because I'm the same way!

  3. Oh, that's so sweet! My hubby was a little confused over me wanting to get a pretty laptop bag from Etsy. We had gone to Best Buy and saw the plain black ones there, which he thought were just fine. I explained that I really *needed* a pretty one and he just told me to get whatever I wanted. :) I started with very little camera equip, though, for my DSLR, so my camera bag was pretty small. DH also has a DSLR and a big bag, but only one lens, etc. So we traded bags! He gave me a little of a hard time about it (teasing), but it really makes more sense. Enjoy your new camera and bag. :)

  4. I was expecting a picture of the winner!! Do we get to see?

    I'm glad your hubby was so understanding about the bag...

  5. I too love purses and my hubby would have been like NO WAY you already have 5 million purses! So I would be buying a new one and pretending I have had it for years! LOL

  6. LOL...sounds like MY closet!! Good answer for a good man. :-)

  7. That's so nice of him. Bags seem to multiply in our house. My husband brings them home from trade shows, too. I'm constantly weeding them out.

    I do, however, like my reusable shopping bag. I typically have to run out to the van half way through shopping, but less plastic bags at home and better for the enviroment.

  8. I have a bit of a "thing" for a thing to put things in.

    I so get that! I have a huge plastic bin filled with purses, tote bags and backpacks of all sizes and colors. And I'm always looking for another one!

    Yes indeed, your husband is a good man.

  9. Wow what a hubby! Aren't they great and surprising once in a while? lol. Have a great day, and have fun shopping for that perfect camera bag!

  10. Oh what a great guy! I also have a thing for things to put in. I have like an "Imelda-ness" going on with bags.

  11. "I have a bit of a "thing" for a thing to put things in."

    Know exactly where you are coming from :) I'm like this too!

  12. I have one of those hubbies too...we are just the luckiest!

  13. Nice!!!! Gotta have the proper accesories!

  14. Now that's a good man you've got there! You deserve a great bag for that great camera.

    BTW, I gave you an award!

  15. I love these kind of stories!

    So what did you end up with?(nothing too floral I hope!)

  16. Great guy!! What bag did you decide on?

  17. Yes, bags are like air, you can never have too much. So you found a cute one that you liked?

  18. LOL - I'd have the same fear, since I have a bit of a 'bag' thing myself and it drives my hubby crazy too. :)

    Congrats on the new camera!

  19. Sounds like a deal. AND oh what I would give for a camera like that!!


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