Its not the first day back

at Body Pump after a 2 week absence that is the problem.

Oh, it is uncomfortable. You feel a bit wussy because your really working to lift what you were doing just fine 2 weeks ago & how slack are you anyway? You've been doing the machines during this time, not just sitting around stuffing your face with pie. you *thought* you were working hard on the machines. You thought you were keeping your strength up, but NO.


Can't even make yourself make the effort to maintain your level, because it *hurts* with the extra weight on the leg press.


You finally get your butt back to class and lift that bar, do those squats, nearly collapse during the lunges and think "I'll be feeling that tomorrow."

Well, think again.

The first day back is NOTHING compared to the SECOND day back.

All those things you thought you would feel tomorrow? Your still feeling them today - 2 days later. Only today you HAVE TO DO IT AGAIN! Use those achy muscles to lift that bar, do those squats and try to remain standing for those lunges.

Oh you'll be feeling THAT tomorrow!


  1. Not gonna happen.

    Ill seriously stop eating before I set foot in a gym again.

  2. Oh boy, I admire your persevearance! I have a friend who does that muscle pump thing at like 5 in the morning, before she gets the kids dropped off at school and goes to work. Uffda, not me, but good for you.

  3. good for you!

    i tempted to get my self into our gym, and ran 2 miles, but said no way to the to start somehwere right?

  4. oh girl, i've been absent for a while, too. i went last saturday, and then yesterday evening. i hate the squats, and i cheat on the lunges. love the back track, though. my back will look great while my butt drags on the ground.

  5. after going back and reading the answers to my follow up toilet questions, i had to change my vote. i originally gave you the benefit of the doubt and said by spring thaw... but now i am thinking MUCH more long term.

  6. Totally true. The second day back is the pits. Man, I miss working out.

  7. I did weights gym class in high school and never again will I lift weights!! That was torture! ;) Good for you for going for it though. :)

  8. Oh can't miss a day or your body immediately into "lazy state" LOL!

    I am going to try to go in the morning.... 7:30 am....ugh....

  9. oh gosh... the 2nd day is ALWAYS the worst... can I just say owwwwww!!!

  10. Um, I drive by the gym every once in a while. On my way home from McDonald's.


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