Another dental visit

Mayhem had his second tooth filled today. It went really well apparently.

DH goes with him to the chair. I have issues & don’t want to expose the boys to my mental dental hang ups. So I only get second hand info on how it went.

He wasn’t very happy about the shot, but who is really? And it was his 3rd shot in 2 days, which would be making me fairly unhappy if it were me. he had a physical on Tuesday and needed 2 vaxes.

But all the shots are done. All the doc & dental visits are done for at least 6 months, short of sudden ear infections. A doc & dentist free summer is something to look forward to.


  1. Woo-hoo - no more shots for a while. That is very good news. I have to get a filling fixed and I am not looking forward to it at all - your ds was very brave.

  2. I know this has nothing to do with dental visits, but I wanted to let you know that I thought about you the other day when we were in NYC. We visited the Museum of National History and the dinosaur display was fantastic. Your boys would love it!

  3. My youngest used to take a swing at nurses in the doctors' and dentists' offices we visited in her youth. I'm so glad she's grown out of that!

  4. I hope he feels better! At least it's all over with.

    Peanut butter and banana muffins? How have I not heard of such deliciousness?

  5. Mental note: reschedule dentist's appointments.



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