Muffin cakes

Lately, whenever I open the pantry I am greeted by this They’ve been in there for a couple of weeks. Different ones on different days. I think they are on a rota or something. Mayhem reminds me every day that the dinos would like some muffins. Mayhem himself does not like muffins so he isn’t in this for gain. Today was the coolest it has been in weeks, which is not so cool really, more like the difference between 94 degrees and humid and 91 degrees and not quite as humid. So I decided to take pity on the dinosaurs & make them some muffins. I was out of bananas so my standby recipe was out & I went looking for something new. I found a recipe for peanut butter muffins written on a random scrap of paper in my mom’s old Good Housekeeping Cookbook. I had all the ingredients, so I went with it. But I used some chocolate peanut butter I bought at the Mennonite market. I don’t know where the tiger came from, but the triceratops is missing. I mixed it all...